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Childfree by Choice Doesn’t = Bad Person

Every choice is valid

Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2021


People like me who are childfree by choice can be made to feel like they are the scum of the earth, by the judging looks from strangers, or “your clock must be ticking!” We’re made to feel like not wanting children is wrong and something we need to rectify ASAP in order to fit into society’s mold. They say things like “you’ll regret it later” or “you’ll change your mind”. If I say ‘no, I don’t want any’ after someone says the tried and true “there’s still plenty of time!” I’m made to feel that I’m taking the wrong path. Thankfully more women are choosing to be child free, so I don’t feel so much like something stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe.

Thankfully, I’ve never been plagued by people asking me if I have kids or when am I planning to have them (I’m almost 42 now and the answer is never, thank you very much). It’s just never been on my agenda. Or maybe my maternal gene has been broken all this time. Whatever the case, I’ve just never been a kid person. I’m not a fan. I’m uncomfortable around them (though my husband says I’m good with them when I do interact with them- go figure!). They just aren’t my jam as the kids say (do they say that? Not having them, I’m out of touch with the lingo of the younger generation these days), and there’s lots of reasons why women…



Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦