I’m Simplifying My Medium Experience

Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

(If you aren’t a Medium member and want to read this article in full for free, click this sentence! If you are a Medium member — thank you for your support!)

I’ve decided to simplify and pare down my Medium experience by simply focusing all my energy on Medium. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

By that I mean, I’ve left the various ‘Medium’ related Facebook groups that I was a member of — about 10 or so — where I used to share my stories in the hopes of increasing engagement. The only thing is the majority of those groups are full of people who are trying to do the exact same thing and are doing so disingenuously — that is, they’re saying they’ve engaged with your article — by reading, clapping, responding, but in reality, they most likely haven’t. And that pisses off those of us who use those groups authentically — actually reading the pieces that others share.

But with the recent changes that Medium have been implementing, I’ve decided, in order to save my own time, energy and effort, not to waste my time trying to promote my work on those various Facebook groups (and god knows there’s a lot of them!). It does take time and effort. And for what? Not a lot of benefit. So I’ve left all those groups. Bye-bye all those selfish and annoying people who spam everyone with their links!



Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦