I’m A Zombie. Are You One Too?

I’m talking about allergy season

Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder


photo courtesy of author


I am barely conscious. Barely functioning. My head feels full of cotton, muzzy. My brain has been taken over by fog. My eyes are open, I’m talking but not fully present.

I feel like a literal zombie. Struggling to move my body through my allergy fatigue. This was most of my day today.

And yesterday, too.

And it SUCKS.

I was literally just a shell of a person. Someone trying to stay conscious and functioning at work. It was difficult. The fuzzy head, the tiredness.

Despite three coffees. THREE! And an allergy pill earlier in the morning. And then another one in the afternoon with some green tea to try and wake me up some more (which didn’t work). None of it worked. I was a goner.

I felt like an alien inside myself. I was breathing and my heart was beating, and my legs moved, and I sometimes talked, but otherwise, I was gone. A zombie. Something unthinking and just moving on instinct.

It was a struggle to walk home from work as well. I was thankful for the slight chilliness today because the cool breeze kind of perked me up ever so slightly, but as soon as I got home from work, I said hi to my husband who was just heading back to…



Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦