You Don’t Have To Be Psychic To Predict Your Future
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I was doing yoga after my morning run in the spare room, and I saw a decal that is on part of the closet door and it inspired me to write this.
You can find inspiration in the most unlikely places, sometimes, can’t you?
This is what I saw.
And I thought to myself:
that’s so true!
We can’t just hope or wish for our future’s to turn out how we want them to. And we don’t have to look into a crystal ball or read a tarot (or other oracle) card either. We just have to do the work.
If we want our future to be a certain way, we have to take the steps and put in the work to move towards that future, that outcome. We have to put in the hours at a job, making money. We have to put in time and effort into our hobbies, if we want them to grow into something more than just a hobby, something that we do for fun, but don’t necessarily think we can make a living from. If we want to live a certain way, you…