‘Google Fortunetelling’ Looks Fun, Until You Ask A Question

It confronts users with a sobering truth.

Hannah Poindexter


Google’s capabilities are widespread, to say the least. As of 9:09 am CST, users have already conducted 1,950,473,605 Google searches. And that number is increasing exponentially.

Google knows where you go (Google Maps), how to help you vacation (Google Trips) what your life looks like (Google Photos) and who you’re in contact with (Gmail). And now, apparently, it can predict your future.

Alright, go ask your question here. I’ll wait.

Done? Now you know the secret: Google can’t actually predict your future (yet…?).

When you click through to Google Fortunetelling, you land on a page that looks like the standard search page. The search bar prompts you to ask a question and learn your future.

But as soon as you begin typing, the site autofills in a few heavier suggestions.

You’re then auto-directed to a page explaining that Google can’t actually predict your future, but that millions of refugees agonize over their futures every day.

The campaign is focused on raising awareness and prompts you to share the message with friends and family and to look into local initiatives to assist refugees in Europe or donate to such causes.

This site is actually registered in the Netherlands and not affiliated with Google at all, but the actual Google joined the efforts when the site went viral. Google matched donations made to refugee-supporting organizations to raise nearly $11 million.

The real Google has a history of running awareness campaigns (like their Doodle Valentine’s Day efforts for the pangolin, the world’s most-trafficked mammal, earlier this year).

The European refugee crisis is still in critical need of assistance, even 18 months after the site first surfaced in September 2016, so consider donating today.



Hannah Poindexter
Writer for

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