This Latest Plastic Surgery Trend Is The Most Bizarre Yet

People are now are now going under the knife to get “designer dimples.”

Megan Ferringer


When I was a kid, I hated my dimples. I felt like I was doomed to have an eternal chubster baby face — the kind that people couldn’t resist pinching and cooing over, even after I became a grown-ass adult.

As it turns out, those weird dents in my cheeks were light-years ahead of their time.

Today, I think we can all agree that dimples are pretty damn adorable — even if they are technically considered a genetic defect, caused by shortened facial muscles. Dimples are often associated with a particular type of female beauty, epitomized by celebrities like Gabrielle Union, Ariana Grande and Miranda Kerr.

And now, thanks to a quick, minimally-invasive procedure, those who aren’t as “genetically blessed” as Gabrielle, Ariana or Miranda can have dimples of their own in just under a half hour.

Dr. Dimples & Curves / Instagram

The procedure is called a dimpleplasty — and apparently it’s all the rage amongst millennials. According to Dr. Wright Jones, a plastic surgeon in Atlanta, requests for this operation have nearly tripled over the past few years. Dr. Jones attributes this surge in dimpleplasty requests to our selfie-driven culture (the fact that this surgery boasts little downtime, an enhancement of facial aesthetics and no need for general anesthesia doesn’t hurt, either).

Dr. Gal Aharonov

The treatment involves making an incision inside the patient’s mouth, where a defect is created in the cheek muscle. The muscle is then attached to the undersurface of the skin so that the dimples are seen upon smiling, but not when the face is relaxed. The end result is semi-permanent and typically lasts around two months.

For those interested in chiseled cheeks, prices usually hover around $1,550 (that’s the equivalent of 155 slices of avocado toast in millennial currency).

It’s a lot of money to spend for temporary holes in your cheeks — but hey, if it means more likes on your latest Instagram selfie, that’s as good as gold anyway.



Megan Ferringer
Writer for

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