
This School Will Teach You To ‘Adult’

Find out your adulting IQ. We dare you.

Julianne Ishler
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017


As a semi-functioning millennial, I’m faced with many difficult decisions: What Instagram filter should I use? Should I order Postmates or heat up leftovers? Dare I put on pants and get a “real job” or post a self-pitying Facebook status instead?

Depending on who you ask, I’m of a generation that’s lazy, entitled and lacking in “basic skills” like baking bread or reading a map. Yikes! Good thing I’m not planning on becoming Carmen Sandiego or a 1950s housewife in my lifetime.

Because the real world is a #struggle, an Adulting School just opened in Portland, Maine. Its mission is simple: teach millennials how to handle basic life skills, including financial matters, household management and relationships with other humans. The curriculum recommends that students form an “adulting squad”—because the bigger your network, the bigger your skill set, obvs.

‘The Bling Ring’

Opened by psychotherapist Rachel Weinstein and former public school teacher Katie Brunelle, The Adulting School offers workshop events, blog posts and webinars. So if you don’t live in Portland, Maine, you can still enroll by doing what you do best: using the Internet!

To prove just how far behind you are on adult skillz, take their online quiz to determine your adulting IQ. (Warning: you may feel like a failure after completing.)

‘Scream Queens’

“You’re smart and capable — your education just didn’t provide you with all the skills you need,” the site says. “We know you’re sick of feeling like you’re pretending to be a grown-up and that someone’s going to realize you don’t know the sh%#t you’re supposed to know.”

There’s only one thing left to do:

Siri, will you call The Adulting School for me?

