Fast and Natural Communications Make Customers Happy

Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2015

Today’s consumers expect a natural way to ask for help and obtain quick resolutions for issues or requests for information. The days of making a phone call and being routed to the right person have long dissipated and been replaced by faster internet communication methods, such as video calls, twitter, or chat. A new breed of products are replacing phone and email with new communication platforms that makes internet communication easier, faster, and customer-centered for sales, customer success and customer service centers. Which makes us at Dossier very happy to announce that we have a new capability for sales, marketing and customer success teams to connect their personal and corporate emails to shared team communication tools like Dossier, Asana and Zendesk.

A quick note on Dossier — it gives real-time visibility to sales and support staff for immediate responses to customer questions, issues, and concerns. Sales and support organizations tend to gravitate toward tools that they use already — Dossier integrates with other business apps to give your customers a seamless customer service experience while your employees continue using information management tools like Salesforce, Asana, Zendesk, Skype, and more.

In a typical day at any business, your customer sends an email message — to someone in sales, customer success, customer service, or to a group such as Your email — Google Gmail or Outlook 365 — is integrated with Dossier; this immediately recognizes customer issues (while leaving internal and vendor emails alone) and publishes the customer’s message to a Salesforce account, an Asana project task or a Zendesk support ticket and assigns it to the appropriate person using those tools.


With emails synced in real time to your internal collaboration tools such as Asana, Zendesk or Salesforce, three things vital to the success of a customer center happen:

- The right person in your organization is immediately in touch with the customer.
- The customer is in touch with the right person and feels supported.
- Your organization’s responses are quick, immediate, and solution-oriented.

Using Dossier for your customer contact center results in customer success stories about your organization’s promptness and quality of service and support.

So if you use Google Gmail or Outlook 365 for your business, visit and sign up for free! Not a trial — use it for free.

