How to create a work-life balance: 8 tips

John G. Izaguirre.
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2023

It’s a good idea to start the year by thinking about such a desirable (an elusive) thing as work-life balance. It’s a beautiful concept of adjusting the demands of a job with the needs and priorities of one’s personal life. At the same time, it takes a lot of work to implement this idea in practice, especially for those strongly tied to the digital world.

Why we fail

On the one hand, technology brought us a lot of great things like flexibility, efficiency, ability to travel and work from any part of the world. On the other, it wiped the line between personal and public, work and home. This line becomes so thin that people don’t recognize the moment when they are crossing it.

Got an email at 9 PM? Why not respond? Was asked to join a zoom-call during your lunchtime? Okay, let’s eat some fast food later. Barely opened your eyes in the morning? It’s vital to check new messages on chats. Looks familiar?

These small moments transform everything around us into a 24/7 remote office which leads to overtime and burnout. Let me sum up the top things that ruin our life balance.

  • Lack of structure and schedule.
  • Constant availability.
  • Inability to say “No.”
  • Poor time management skills.
  • Flexibility is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Tips for creating a work-life balance

So, maintaining a work-life balance can be tricky, especially in a high-stress industry like crypto and web3, where I work. But this doesn’t mean we should give up on aligning our life and work. Here are a few tips that may help:

1. Define and focus on what is essential for you! First, reflect on your values. They could include things like your relationships, your career, your personal growth, or your health. Keep them in mind and turn them into your goals. It is the first step before finding a balance. Your values and goals should determine your working tasks, not vice versa. It also helps separate important and unimportant things.

2. Make time for hobbies and personal interests. We all have activities that light us up, but we usually put them at the end of our to-do lists. But dedicating time to hobbies doesn’t mean wasting it. Vice versa, engaging in activities outside of work can help us de-stress and maintain a sense of balance. For example, I adore caring for my dog Quentin, watching him play and grow. It makes me happy and re-energizes!

3. Set boundaries. It’s important to set limits on how much time you spend working and when you will be available. This approach can help you prioritize your personal life and avoid burnout. If you’re okay with scheduling, create a timetable and stick to it. Or maybe you prefer being more flexible; it’s up to you. The main idea here: try not to exceed limits.

4. Learn how to say “No.” This tip is related to the previous one about boundaries. It’s good to be responsive, but permanently playing Jim Carry’s “Yes man” character will lead nowhere. Nobody dies if you don’t message your colleague back at midnight or refuse to take on an extra project.

5. Take breaks. Make sure to take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. It could be as simple as taking a walk or chatting with a colleague.

6. Find your Definition Of Done criteria. In project management, DoD refers to a set of criteria that must be met before work on a product or feature is considered complete. Implementing this approach in day-to-day life will release you from getting stuck on some specific task and help you move forward faster. And from the psychological side, getting through your “done-ness” checklist brings emotional satisfaction.

7. Turn off notifications! I know it’s easier to say than to do in practice. Let’s try together.

8. Support yourself physically and mentally. Exercise and eat well. Taking care of your physical health can help you cope with stress and improve your overall well-being. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional if you feel overwhelmed.

What work-life balance looks like is unique to each of us. Remember that it’s okay to prioritize your personal life and take care of yourself. It’s important to find a balance that works for you and allows you to be productive and fulfilled in both your personal and professional life.

What do you think? Is it ever possible to keep a work-life balance? If yes, share your ways how to do it.



John G. Izaguirre.
Writer for

Founder of DotDots and I.O.V. agency, BNB Chain Director, investor, Web3 enthusiast