Dota 2 The International 10 Group Stage Data Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
7 min readOct 11, 2021
By Wykrhm Reddy

After a long delay, we finally got TI 10. Same as before I will try my best in a limited time. And we can also see the impact of the 7.30 patches.


Games: 144
Total Heroes: 121
Picked: 112
Banned: 98
Untouched: 8

With 4 more heroes, our total pick has increased by 2 too.
Picks are more diversified at a 5 ~ 30% contest rate, which means we have more different picks to fit different strategies. But some heroes are dominating at the 95 ~ 100% range, which did not happen in Animajor.

Most Picked Heroes

Elder Titan has the best win rate and damage efficiency, and he is the 4th core which also doesn’t need a lot of farms. He is definitely the most reliable support now. The buff to Astral Spirit is huge, 2 seconds more means more damage from spirit throughout the whole game, more intel collected, and more magic immune duration from the scepter.

Increased Astral Spirit spirit duration from 8 to 10.

Tidehunter somehow becomes a flex pick now, he was picked as support in 14 games and won half of them. He is super effective when picked with other armor reduction heroes, especially getting a 72.73% win rate with Weaver. His counter like Timbersaw and Ursa is not very popular with only below 10% pick rate.

The early armor reduction from Lil’ Shredder is still great, making Snapfire easier to secure lanes. But she falls off as the game goes longer, because the only support skill she has is Firesnap Cookie, all others are damage. She has a 88% win rate when games end before 30 minutes.

Tiny might be the best core right now, he has the early burst magic damage, farming tools, and the late-game smashing power. His best friend is strong CC, people have tried strategies like Lycan Scepter to overcome the kiting problem, but it was not as successful as the theory crafted.

36.36% does not seem promising

After a long buffing period from 7.27b, Disruptor is finally back in shape, The following is the best buff he got.

Increased Thunder Strike slow duration from 0.1 on each level to 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4.
Reduced Kinetic Field effect delay from 1.2 to 1.
Reduced Glimpse cooldown from 60/46/32/18 to 48/38/28/18.

Most Banned Heroes

Monkey King is the most contested hero in the group stage, mainly because that he can be played as a position 4 support role again, and he is still good as a core, it is due to multiple buffs he get recently. The Tree Dance buff makes him one of the best scouts, and the stun duration buff also helps a lot at early ganks. He is also the best carrier of the lowered cost (2400) Mage Slayer, which heavily counters spell casters.

Tree Dance
Reduced cast time from 0.3 to 0.1.
Increased travel speed from 700 to 800.
Increased Tree Dance night vision from 400 to 600.

Increased Jingu Mastery lifesteal from 15%/30%/45%/60% to 25%/40%/55%/70%.

Boundless Strike
Increased stun duration from 0.7/1/1.3/1.6 to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6.
Rescaled cooldown from 22 on each level to 23/22/21/20.

Most people will focus on the Morphling Earthshaker duo, yes it is very strong with a 71.43% win rate. But Morphling has a 64.28% win rate without Earthshaker. The buffs in 7.29 are still good enough for him.

Support Weaver is back, but it is not as effective as core weaver, which has 45.83% and 57.89% win rate accordingly. Support Weaver cannot do much in team fights after using The Swarm, he has to hide for the risky 600 range Scepter Time Lapse.

Increased health regeneration from 1 to 1.25.

Reduced Shukuchi mana cost from 70 to 60.

The Swarm
The damage is no longer reduced by Damage Block.
Increased swarm travel speed from 600 to 750.

Reduced attack point from 0.64 to 0.55.

The new Silver Edge is a blessing for Lina, the raw attack speed balanced out the nerfs on Fiery Soul, the raw damage and critical strike also made her super strong at mid-game, lastly, the Shadow walk active gives her the much-needed movement speed and survivability.

New Silver Edge
Attack damage bonus: 60
Attack speed bonus: 40
The attack out of Shadow Walk invisibility now also applies a 160% damage critical strike.
Added new Critical Strike passive ability.

Reduced Fiery Soul attack speed bonus per stack from 40/60/80/100 to 30/50/70/90.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5 )

Although Winter Wyvern is massively nerfed, she still counters all the heavy hitters like Tiny. Expect to see her more.

New Tinker was expected to be strong before TI, the global presence and early game burst are very valuable. He has the highest Damage efficiency, expect to see him in some snowballing lineup.

Bane is interesting, CIS teams love him. In fact, he is quite strong after the buffs in 7.29 and 7.30, and he is receiving minor nerfs recently. He is one of the counters to the mobile heroes.

Teams have found how Spectre should be played, all of them rush Aghanim’s Scepter now for a global quick gank, with 15 level talent, a quick Shadow Step from Spectre will do 680 magic damage from the double Spectral Dagger, which will usually get a kill with a few attacks and some help from the original ganker.

Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade:
Shadow Step now applies the current level of Spectral Dagger on the target.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5 )

Vengeful Spirit, Batrider, and Gyrocopter are nerfed so hard that they are not coming back in this TI.

4 out of 8 games of Dawnbreaker are played by Nightfall of Virtus Pro as position 1 core, the other 4 games are played as support. When she is played as support, her biggest impact seems to be the heal and stun from the ultimate, the rest is mediocre. I believe more study is needed to make her work.

I believe the nerf on Arena of Blood made Mars hard to win, since he falls off at the late game, snowballing is important, but with the 90 seconds CD, it just made him a much slower hero.

Increased Arena Of Blood cooldown from 90/75/60 to 90 on each level.

Highest Pick Rate Increase

The buff in 7.30 and 7.30c is massive for Earthshaker. The buff on Enchant Totem and its scepter effect just mean an easier combo and the dunk machine is back. The intelligence and movement speed gain just makes him easier to rotate at early game. Oh, Fae Grenade is absurd on him, basically a free 500+ damage range nuke.

Reduced Enchant Totem cast time from 0.69 to 0.6.
Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade: Reduced Enchant Totem leap duration from 1 to 0.8.
Increased base intelligence and gain from 16 + 1.8 to 18 + 2.1.
Increased movement speed from 310 to 315.

Io is so much better after the buff on Tether in 7.30, putting it back to the top healer. His win rate is below 40% simply because Gyrocopter is bad, the duo has been picked 13 times and only win 3 of them. The best part of Io is the mobility from Relocate and Overcharge instead of being the healing machine.

Increased link break distance from 900 to 1000.
Increased heal/restore transfer from 60%/80%/100%/120% to 70%/90%/110%/130%.

Lycan is fun, Wolf Bite from Aghanim’s Scepter provides many possibilities, but it doesn’t seem very effective, he has a similar win rate with or without Scepter. In fact, after multiple buffs from 7.29 to 7.30, Lycan is decent on his own.

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

Same as before, this is just the list of heavily nerfed heroes. The best part is that some of them still have a good win rate.

Lion is still great to control all the mobile heroes, but since Puck is not popular anymore, more other supports can be picked.

Templar Assassin is still good after the nerfs, and she is fair to play against now. Psionic Projection is still strong as an escape, especially it is faster than TP even required to be used under BKB to avoid root.

Psionic Projection
Can no longer start channeling while rooted or leashed. [?]
Increased channel time from 1 to 1.5.

Peak Hero Performance

All heroes that are worth discussing in this list were mentioned already.


Radiant and first pick is more advantageous. Over the year, teams seem to have found more ways to exploit the Radiant advantage like easier Roshan. But it is not counterbalanced by first/last pick.

Thanks for reading, see you next time after TI.

