Dota 2 The International 2019 Group Stage Data Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2019
By Wykrhm Reddy

Same as last year, due to limited time, I am providing the best data we have and keep the analysis short. We will also see a very big meta shift due to patch 7.22d, 7.22e, and 7.22f.

Edit: since many requests for more analysis, I am adding more of them.


Games: 144
Total Heroes: 117
Picked: 110
Banned: 101
Untouched: 2

Only Nightstalker and Riki are not considered useful.
There is no hero has over 90% contest rate, and the huge number at 15 ~ 25% range shows that the meta is super healthy.

Most Picked Heroes

Remember this list means the most reliable and stablest heroes, and many of them are supports or a flexible pick, I believe that they are going to always show up in the 1st phase of ban pick, namely Elder Titan, Ogre Magi, Shadow Demon, Kunkka, and Mirana.

With more picks of STR core, Elder Titan and Shadow Demon deal with them extremely well with the % based damage. Especially Soul Catcher, it deletes enemy when combo with any burst damage.

Most Banned Heroes

Those have 55% or higher win rate in this list are OP, any team can play most of them will make their enemy having a hard time on ban phase. The ban rate of Alchemist and Enchantress is extremely high.

The farming speed of Alchemist is too high that his power spike is so much faster than other cores, causing him to win many teamfights around 15 minutes and start snowballing from that. His ability to give Scepter to a teammate is also very valuable at the later stage of the game since everyone has a scepter effect now.

The buff in 7.22c and 7.22d makes Enchantress extremely hard to kill, and the rise of STR core makes her Impetus very effective.

Increased Nature’s Attendants heal per wisp per second from 10 on each level to 10/11/12/13.
Increased Impetus cast range from 550 to 575.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5 )

These heroes are performing extremely well, expecting more teams to pick them up. But these heroes requires some specific strategy, may not fit every team.

Chen is a must ban if the enemy team plays it, back to the summon deathball style, he can make so many plays in the game with those neutral creeps, especially the 10% magic resistance from the Cloak Aura of Hellbear, they can be stacked, Chen can provide 40% magic resistance to his whole team from 1200 range.

Core Io is proven by OG, similar to Alchemist, it’s power spike around 15 ~ 20 minutes is unbeatable, it only needs a Helm of the Dominator and Aghanim’s Scepter, which only requires 6375 gold, many other cores cannot even fight with this networth. The 25 level talent also makes it a strong late-game core. The next core item Heart of Tarrasque makes itself and another core extremely tanky, they can also gain full health after an escape and then go back to a 2nd fight.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5 )

Going into the main event, I believe teams are not risking to pick these heroes anymore. Especially the tower damage of Lone Druid is very disappointing, the bear cannot survive in the current meta.

Highest Pick Rate Increase

This is exactly what the patches do, many of them are buffed to be this strong, especially for Ogre Magi. There so many buffs that he has become a core.

Increased Multicast 2x chance from 70% to 75%.
Multicast increased item buffer range from 200 to 600.
Increased intelligence gain from 2.3 to 2.5.
Increased agility gain from 1.6 to 1.9.

Funny that the rise of Invoker is because he can be played as support now. Quas Wes Invoker has been buffed so many times that he is good enough in side-lane and slower leveling.

Increased base attack damage from 24–30 to 27–33.
Increased base armor from -1 to 0.
Increased Cold Snap damage from 7/14/21/28/35/42/49/(56) to 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/(64).

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

The nerfs hit hard, many of them were strong in Epicenter. But Centaur Warrunner, Templar Assassin and Batrider stay strong, just there are more options out there.

Peak Hero Performance

Nothing special here, Mirana’s KDA explains her win rate, Arc Warden is surprisingly efficient.


The map is extremely balanced right now, Dire and last pick together have a 1.76% advantage, and if they counterbalance themselves, it is only a 0.07% difference.

See you guys after TI, may have another macro analysis, enjoy the games anyway.

