Dota 2 The International 2023 Playoff Weekend Statistics

Dota Observatory
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2023
By Wykrhm Reddy

This is a super small sample size, just try to grab how the meta is changing.


Games: 26
Total Heroes: 124
Picked: 74
Banned: 60
Untouched: 42

Same as before, when out of groups, there are less experiments
We got a more solid contested heroes

Most Contested Heroes

5 out of 10 heroes in the list fits the Blade Mail + Heart meta

Most Picked Heroes

Worth mentioning Dark Willow as pos 1 has 0% win rate.

Ancient Apparition is the best counter to the contested tanky heroes.

Spectre is still underrated.

Most Banned Heroes

Phoenix might be overated.

Brewmaster with the push + ignore strategy is very very strong, the quick pushing strategy avoids the tanky heroes come online.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 2)

Storm Spirit and Undying is doing very well, expect to see more picks in Finals Weekend.

Also expect to see more Pugna and Magnus.

Because of the super late game approach, Phantom Lancer got a way to get online and become even more annoying than Naga Siren, if the meta does not change to quick push, we are definitely seeing more PL.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 2)

I believe Earthshaker does not work anymore, teams already know how to deal with him.

Although there was success case of Morphling in group stage that counters Spirit Breaker, it just does not work when teams are prepared.

Highest Pick Rate Increase

Treant Protector gets more picks because he fell out of first ban material, and I expect him getting out of favor too.

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

Surprise that Lone Druid is not picked, he was doing quite well.

Peak Hero Performance

When Storm Spirit is protected by picks, he becomes unstoppable.

The heal number of Dazzle is ridiculous, explains his 1st ban situation.

Again, Phantom Lancer is doing great on sieging.


Radiant is still very OP. Hopefully it will not the deciding factor in the finals.

Write a little more after getting more understanding of the meta. Although most of the teams go for late game, some of the games ends before 25 minutes with some super push strategy. Would be great if we can see collision of different strategies.

