Dota 7.22 Patch Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
15 min readMay 26, 2019

As of a mid-year update, 7.22 have lots of new things; we are still picking those with more impact.


Scepter and Roshan changes

For all new Scepter upgrades, we will discuss them later.

Scepter can now be consumed as a buff by purchasing a 2000 gold recipe upgrade. Scepter buffs do not grant secondary stat bonuses.

Aghanim’s Scepter becomes the 2nd item that can become a buff like Moon Shard, ignoring the one from Alchemist. By freeing up the item slot, some heroes that are extremely hungry on item slots will buy Aghanim’s Scepter eventually, also makes their Scepter effect viable, like Outworld Devourer.

Roshan now drops a consumable Scepter buff item. The third Roshan will randomly drop either a consumable Scepter item or a Refresher Shard. The fourth Roshan has both. You can select Roshan to see his inventory and find out what items will drop

This change makes the 3+ Roshan even more game-changing, the Scepter buff dropped by Roshan is permanent, which means a direct 6.2k net-worth shift. Especially several scepter effect on hard carries are excellent and game breaking, like Anti-mage.

Roshan is also harder to kill and reward less XP; it is for balancing how important Roshan is now.

Deny and Kill Mechanics

Deny XP granted to the enemy (the player being denied) increased from 35% to 40%

It is a nerf to any heroes that can deny themselves, like Abaddon and Pudge.

Death cost changed from 50 + NW/40 to NW/40

Icefrog is promoting pos 6 support for keeping their net-worth low and face tank smoke gank.

Killstreak XP bounty increased from 200->1250 to 400->1800

This change is somewhat impactful for teams that intentionally feed the pos 6 support to build a bounty on enemies and collect it by their carries.

The timer that credits a player for a kill, when radiant/dire get the final hit, is increased from 20 to 30 seconds

This change is to avoid support suiciding themselves to 2nd tier tower for free TP to base.

Map changes

To adjust the Radiant advantage, although it was counterbalanced by first/last pick in pro games, it got a little out of hand in pub games.

Misc Mechanics

Siege creeps can no longer be dominated, enchanted or converted

This change counters the pushing strategies with Chen, Enchantress, and some other heroes that buy Helm of Domination.

Tier 2+ Towers now have a multishot attack when the glyph is activated. Attacks up to two additional targets. Prioritizes the closest units.

Another way to defend pushes, it seems that push strategies are a little harder now. Expect games will be longer, and late game carries will be picked more.

Illusions can now lifesteal

A direct buff to Chaos Knight, his illusion heals a lot from the lifesteal.


Eye of Skadi

Slow duration changed from 5/2.5 for melee/range attackers to 3 seconds
Slow amount reduced from 35% to 20% when used against melee heroes
Slow amount increased from 35% to 45% when used against ranged heroes
Attack speed slow now matches the movement slow values above

The item has changed to counter Ranged heroes, 45% on movement and 45 attack speed is extremely strong, and it pierces BKB. It is almost a direct nerf to any ranged carries.

Guardian Greaves, Mekansm, Pipe of Insight, Vladmir’s Offering

All got nerfed on the regen aura to reduce the sustain, ultimately suppresses the early push strategies.

Observer Ward, Sentry Ward

Observer Ward cost decreased from 75 to 50
Sentry Ward cost decreased from 100 to 75

An even better life for supports, pos 6 support is so enabled now, expect every team is going to run it.

Spirit Vessel

Spirit Vessel doesn’t counter high sustain heroes that hard now; it is also a buff to Ancient Apparition.



Mist Coil cast range reduced from 800 to 500

It is huge nerf on how he supports right now; the reduction of range avoids him from keep healing but staying out of the fight.

Reworked Scepter upgrade. While Borrowed Time is active, anytime an ally takes more than 525 damage while within 1600 range of Abaddon, an individual Mist Coil will automatically fire towards that ally. (Scepter still increases the duration by 1)

  • It does not work with the level 25 AOE Mist Coil talent.
  • It will trigger every time the allies took 525 accumulated armor reduced damage, which means it can be triggered after multi-instance of damage. It does not have a cooldown for this auto-cast.
  • It only triggers once for a huge burst, for example, a 1k damage Finger of Death.
  • With the 15 level talent, Mist Coil heals for 315 for every 525 actual damage taken. Equals to a 60% damage reduction, ignoring the fact that the projectile takes time to reach the ally.


Added Scepter upgrade. With Scepter equipped or synthesized, you gain a bonus +30 Damage and +6% Spell Amp for each Scepter that you gave allies at any point in the game.

Just a little more incentive to give Scepter to allies, consider it is 2k more efficient, it may be a good strategy.


Added Scepter upgrade. Mana Void kills now add +70 seconds to the highest cooldown ability on the enemy hero. Cooldown starts once the enemy respawns. Increases the stun duration by 1 second, if the target dies during this period it is still counted as a Mana Void kill.

One of the most significant buffs in the patch, Anti-mage is one of the fastest hero getting 6 slotted, buying Scepter on top of it is already good, and it also shutdowns many heroes and nullify their buyback.

Arc Warden

Added Scepter upgrade. Grants a new ability, Rune Forge. Creates a random Rune in front of you. Cooldown 60. The selection of Runes include Bounty Runes and Powerup Runes.

It is a strange Scepter upgrade; actual effect requires luck and situational. It may be useful for the long gone support Arc Warden.


Reworked Scepter upgrade. Now causes Battle Hunger to be a 400 AoE target ability (debuff still reduces enemy damage by 30%)

The Scepter upgrade is useful now; it helps to farm, it combos with Berserker’s Call to reduce the damage taken, and does not require a successful Culling blade to take effect, it is very viable as a 2nd or 3rd item for Axe. It also makes the 25 level Battle hunger talent viable.


Reworked Scepter upgrade. Wild Axes have no cooldown and can be used again once they have returned to Beastmaster.

Beastmaster had a problem for getting into melee range to take advantage of his Inner Beast aura, and he does not buy damage items but utility items. With this Scepter upgrade, he can keep casting Wild Axes in range. It will definitely be the 3rd or 4th core item of Beastmaster.


Rupture is now lethal again. Deals 30/45/60% of distance moved as damage. Has 8/10/12 second duration.

They changed it back again, so you have to TP to save yourself now. Rod of Atos may be a good item now; it can be used to interrupt TPs or guarantee a Blood Rite silence.

Bounty Hunter

Shuriken Toss Scepter now also increases cast range from 400 to 800

A much-needed buff, Bounty Hunter had this cast range problem for a long time, it also makes his Scepter upgrade more viable now.


Added Scepter upgrade. Increases Spin Web max count from 8 to 20, movement speed bonus from 70 to 100%, and removes movement speed limit.

Welcome to the Scepter Core Club, with this upgrade, Broodmother will extend her map domination to at least 35 minutes of the game.

Chaos Knight

Phantasm Scepter now also reduces incoming illusion damage from 260% to 180%

Apart from the Chaos Bolt buff, Scepter will be one of the most important late game items for Chaos Knight, with the buff that Phantasms can lifesteal now, his Phantasms will be so much tankier and will still be viable in the late game.


Divine Favor is now a passive aura. Provides 1/2/3/4 HP regen, 8/12/16/20% Heal Amplification, and 4/8/12/16 bonus damage for heroes (your creeps get 2x damage values)

Chen is forced back to the deathball style, his summons are so strong under the aura, but his level 1 will be extremely weak now. We will see if any team can make up a strategy for him.


Added Scepter upgrade. Creates two skeletons near Clinkz when exiting Wind Walk. Increases Wind Walk speed by +30% and unlocks max movement speed.

It is a very interesting Scepter upgrade, expecting to see Clinkz rushing it for more ganking potential.

Dark Seer

Level 20 Talent changed from 400 AoE Surge to +100 Ion Shell Damage
Level 25 Talent changed from +150 Ion Shell Damage to 400 AoE Surge

AoE Surge is too strong to be at level 20; it is game-changing, enables so many line up with lots of melee heroes.

Dark Willow

Added Scepter upgrade. Attacking no longer takes you out of Shadow Realm. Each attack still has bonus damage based on the duration of the buff.
Level 20 Talent changed from +300 Shadow Realm Max Damage to -12s Bramble Maze Cooldown

Dark Willow mid may be viable again, a level 12 Dark Willow with only a Scepter can do a total 1.6k damage in 3 seconds of Shadow Realm time, and doing 4.8k damage with the level 25 attack speed talent.

Consider she is almost invulnerable in Shadow Realm and BKB, we simulate a late-game situation, A level 25 Dark Willow with BKB, Scepter, and Mjollnir; she will do around 8.5k damage with a full combo in 3 seconds.

Consider she can attack from 1075 range far in Shadow Realm, it is even good on support.

Death Prophet

Added Scepter upgrade. Anytime an enemy is affected by your spells (carrion swarm impact, silence debuff, spirit siphon target) or when you attack an enemy, a ghost will fly out and hit the enemy for double the usual damage then return to you with life. These ghosts apply a 100% slow for 0.3 seconds.

Another hero joins the Scepter Core Club:

  • Scepter upgrade is so important for her that it frees her from ultimate dependent category.
  • It increases her farming and pushing speed.
  • It opens up an option to go for attack speed items.
  • It only spawns one ghost per cast of Spirit Siphon.


Devour now has a creep level limit of 3/4/5/6

Another important nerf, the level 1 regen of Doom getting a Satyr Tormenter is ridiculous.

Dragon Knight

Added Scepter upgrade. Adds a 4th level to Elder Dragon Form, a Black Dragon. Gaining Scepter increases the level of your ultimate by one. Black Dragon has 50% more Corrosive Damage, Splash Damage and Slow amount. It also increases your attack range to 600 and grants you +30% Magic Resistance.

Another Scepter Core Club member:

  • Expecting people to rush the item, because it adds Splash damage to level 1 Elder Dragon Form, allow Dragon Knight to farm with it.
  • Black Dragon does 30 poison damage per second, 115% Splash damage, and 60% movement and 60 attack speed slow.
  • With Eye of Skadi, Dragon Knight will be a nightmare to ranged heroes.

Drow Ranger

Marksmanship no longer instantly kills Ancients (still does damage/pierces)

This nerf is essential; it makes her farm too fast and ignores any lane disadvantage.

Marksmanship now only pierces base armor not total armor

This change makes Drow Ranger back to situational, best to counter AGI carries. May also want to buy Desolator now.

Elder Titan

Reworked Scepter upgrade. Echo Stomp now causes you to become Spell Immune while channeling and for 2 additional seconds per affected enemy hero.

Basically the Elder Titan version of BKB with a lower cooldown, also almost guarantee a successful cast of Echo Stomp.

  • Get 2 seconds of Spell Immune for each hero hit, by spirit or yourself.
  • Does not dispel like what BKB does
  • Can quickly cancel the animation to get a 0.1 second Spell Immune

Ember Spirit

Added Scepter upgrade. Fire Remnant cast range is 3 times longer and initial remnant movement speed is 2 times faster. Maximum number of charges increased from 3 to 5. Activate Fire Remnant costs no mana.

A “nice to have” upgrade, but Ember Spirit is not likely to buy it with gold.


Added Scepter upgrade. Grants you a new ability, Dark Portrait. Creates an ink illusion of a target enemy hero. Illusion lasts 20 seconds and is magic immune with +30% movement speed. Takes 200% incoming damage and deals 150% outgoing damage. Cooldown 35. Manacost 200.

A nice late game item option, since Grimstroke naturally gets gold by clearing waves.


Base damage increased by 3

Direct buff to Quas Wes Invoker.


Added to Captains Mode
Added Scepter upgrade. Spirits now passively spawn around you constantly every second (max of 5 spirits at a given time)

A lovely item for farming and damage, Icefrog seems trying to promote core Io.

Keeper of the Light

Scepter now also causes Illuminate to not require channeling (still provides heal bonus)

The old Illuminate illusion is back, expecting to see KotL rushing it again.

Chakra Magic can now be cast on enemies, placing a debuff that drains 4/4.5/5/5.5%% of current mana per 100 units moved. Lasts 5 seconds (old version was a percent of max mana, not current).

And mana leak is back too, but it does not stun now, still a nice addon and increases the aggressiveness of KotL in the lane.


Added Scepter upgrade. Causes one of the three creep waves to include two wolves. You cannot control the wolves, but they are considered your units. These wolves have the same movement speed as lane creeps.

It is a tempo item, and it is good when you have map control and bad when you do not.

  • Wolves have a 41 gold bounty, roughly equals to melee creep.
  • If you can ensure that the wolves can kill more than 2 melee creep for you it worth for keep pushing the lane.
  • The wolves are affected by Howl, Howl with correct timing can mostly secure 4 out of 5 creeps in a wave.
  • Because they are invisible, the enemy team cannot predict the lane with wolves by placing wards.
  • Due to the spawning position, the wolves are not likely to take damage from the first enemy creep wave but will be killed by the second wave.


Added to Captains Mode
Added Scepter upgrade. God’s Rebuke cooldown is now 1.4 seconds during Arena of Blood. Resets God’s Rebuke cooldown when Arena of Blood is cast.

It allows mars to have multiple chances to push enemies to the wall of Arena. A nice late game item.


Level 15 Talent reduced from +30% Mystic Snake Mana Steal to +25%

This is what makes playing against Medusa annoying; it steals way too many mana.

Monkey King

Added Scepter upgrade. Spawns a monkey soldier near you every 3.5 seconds. These soldiers last 12 seconds. Soldiers do not spawn if you are invisible or on trees. These soldiers can attack any target (however, they will not attack buildings if you are not within 500 range of them).

It is an excellent item on Monkey King; it helps farm, pushes, and teamfight. Expect Scepter becomes his 3rd or 4th core item.


Added Scepter upgrade. While Morphed, you gain +35% cooldown reduction, +50% manacost reduction and +600 cast range.

It is ridiculous they give Morphling such an amazing Scepter effect. The +600 cast range is stupid.

Night Stalker

Added Scepter upgrade. Void is now applied in a 900 AoE around you. Increases the Void ministun duration from 0.1 to 0.6 and reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.

A nice upgrade, but is not an upgrade that Night Stalker is going to spend gold on it. Still does not solve his Day Walker problem.

Outworld Devourer

Equilibrium now passively provides 11/18/25/32%% Mana Steal (all damage not just spells). When Activated, triples the Mana Steal and slows enemies hit by your spells.

This change resolves his problem of very dependant on Equilibrium cooldown and countered by purging skills.


Added Scepter upgrade. Shield Crash now casts a 2-attack Swashbuckle every 90 degrees around your hero.
Lucky Shot no longer has a chance to silence, now always disarms.
Lucky Shot now reduces armor by 3/4/5/6

First of all, the Scepter is great core item on Pangolier; it scales and helps a lot on farming. With the 2 second Shield Crash in level 15 talent, he will do so much more damage in team fights. I expect to see it as a 2nd or 3rd core item.

With the new Lucky Shot, Pangolier is going to shut down the auto attack carries very hard with the permanent disarm when they don’t have BKB.

Phantom Assassin

Added Scepter upgrade. Blur now has an instant cast time and applies a dispel. Anytime you get a hero kill, your abilities are refreshed. Reduces Blur cooldown to 12 seconds.

Not very impactful, do not expect to see it as a core item.


Supernova Scepter now also allows you to cast Sun Ray and turn its direction while in Supernova.

A nice buff, so that Phoenix can do something in the egg now.


Added Scepter upgrade. Slithereen Crush now creates a puddle of water that is considered a river for bonuses. Provides +25 HP regen, +12 Armor and +40% Status Resistance while in a Puddle or River (in addition to the normal Guardian Sprint River bonuses). Puddle AoE is 550. Puddles last for 25 seconds.

A very core item for core Slarder, expect them to rush it for how much it helps to farm and sustain

Guardian Sprint now passively provides an extra 5/20/35/50% movement boost in the river with unlocked max speed, rather than a fixed 700 at level 4 when activated.

Another great buff, so Slardar can choose to use Guardian Sprint when needed only.


Added Scepter upgrade. Grants you a new ability, Shadow Step. Allows you to perform a single target unit Haunt. Cooldown 70. Manacost 180.

A nice addon to join teamfights without using Haunt. It also allows Spectre to join the fight immediately after using Haunt in a teamfight and buyback. Definitely seeing it as a late game item.

Templar Assassin

Added Scepter upgrade. Grants you a new ability, Psionic Projection. Allows you to teleport to any Psionic Trap after a 2 second channel. Does not break Meld. Cooldown 30. Manacost 100. Detonates the psionic trap on arrival.

With the limited stock of Sentry Ward, this will be a nightmare for enemies’ support. The problem is that it cost a lot and Templar Assassin has an urge to keep buying damage item to keep her relevant in the game. It may become some split push item in the late game.


Added Scepter upgrade. After casting Metamorphosis, a wave travels outwards in all direction causing enemy heroes to become feared for 3 seconds upon impact. Wave starts traveling 0.6 seconds and has a travel speed of 1000. Spell Immune units do not get hit by the wave. Has a global sound effect.

The AoE is enormous; it has 1600 radius. It will be a great late game or even 7th slot item. It will be terrifying if combo with heroes like Mars. Because the wave of terror only comes from the hero himself, it will reveal the hero from illusions.

Just a side note, causing fear when Metamorphosis is exactly the mechanics of Maliken in Heroes of Newerth.

Reflection no longer affects illusions

Good god, they finally changed it, those lags caused by Reflections on illusions are gone now. But most importantly, Reflection does not clear out illusions now but find out the real hero now.


Added Scepter upgrade. Grants you a new channeling ability, Tree Volley. Every 0.4 seconds a random tree within 525 range of your hero will be thrown towards the targeted AoE. Deals 120% of your damage to enemies in that area. Target AoE 400. Cast Range 1300. Max Channel 2.4 seconds. Cooldown 12. Manacost 150.

It is a great item, Tree Volley not only synergize with Avalanche, but it can also easily work with any teammate with stuns, due to the long 1300 cast range. And it is lots of damage, a level 12 Tiny with the damage talent can do 2k damage with a full combo. And 1.2k damage just with Tree Volley.

Grow armor increased from 7/16/25 to 10/18/26

This another big buff that makes Tiny coming back to meta.

Troll Warlord

Added Scepter upgrade. Reduces Battle Trance cooldown to 35 seconds and allows it to be cast on allied or enemy heroes. Lasts half duration on enemies. Cast Range 525.

It is a very situational item, not likely to be seen often.


Chaotic Offering Scepter now lands the 2nd Golem 0.4 seconds after the first, rather than both at the same time

Scepter upgrade is better now just for the longer stun duration.


Reworked Scepter. Now adds 2 charges to Windrun and increases movement speed by 45%.

By removing the old Scepter effect, Windranger cannot switch target now. More Windrun does not help her to survive teamfights when enemies are going to get MKB to counter Windrun anyways.

Focus Fire cooldown reduced from 70 to 70/50/30

And this is the way they promote. A low cooldown Focus Fire, with the level 25 30% cooldown reduction talent, it is a 21 seconds cooldown.

Level 10 Talent changed from +30% Windrun Slow to -2s Shackleshot Cooldown

This talent, together with the level 20 shackle duration and level 25 30% cooldown reduction talent, can stun for 4.8 seconds every 5.6 seconds.

Winter Wyvern

Arctic Burn scepter manacost per second reduced from 40 to 30

It is still not possible to have enough mana to sustain a longer teamfight.

Thanks for reading, you can follow me on twitter @draconid.

