Dreamleague Season 13 Data Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2020
By Wykrhm Reddy

The 7.23 patches are crazy, adding outpost and lots of neutral items really changes the game a lot. Let’s see how is the patch going, and how much it affects the pro games.

Congratulation to the champion of the Dreamleague Major: Team Secret.


Games: 100
Total Heroes: 117
Picked: 98
Banned: 80
Untouched: 17

From datdota.com
Lots of heroes are out of the meta, or may be it still needs some time to develop

Most Picked Heroes

Lich is the most reliable support in the game right now, he have been first picked in 40% of the game. You can easily find that he have some best Damage/Gold efficiency in this list, making him one of the highest damage support that don’t need any farm.

Doom is one of the best offlane/support hero, and successfully countered multiple popular spell caster core, like Outworld Devourer, Puck, Stormspirit and Leshrac.

Treant Protector is extremely strong after the rework, with the level 0 passive Nature’s Guise, he is like a hero with 2 skills at level 1, he is weakened after the nerfs, but he is still highly rated by teams.

Since TI9 Tiny is the best position 4 support, with players learning to Toss enemy to danger zone, he is able to roam and impact the game since level 1. And since the meta had a very strong snowball effect, early game advantage gives him a higher win rate too.

Most Banned Heroes

Io is back to support only position, in fact I believe it is a little overrated. Although it is the best healer due to Essence Ring and Holy Locket, but it’s damage is abnormally low after the nerfs. As a side note, Essence Ring on Io have only 50% win rate, is not really that game changing as people talks about.

Disruptor is the real deal here, with a 70% win rate and he can even become a mid hero. After multiple buffs, Thunder Strike is one of the best level 1 skill, really like how 7.24 just simply add mana cost to it, because we have seen how he was over nerfed before.

Omniknight is also one of the best offlane hero. We have seen how many times a good Guardian Angle turns a teamfight around. Heavenly Grace on any status resistance item builder is very annoying to deal with.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5 )

Slardar is one of the best stunner right now, the Scepter upgrade also gives him lots of mobility and regen, making him a great situational pick.

Ancient Apparition is a counterpick to all the healing and tanky heroes, especially at the later stage of the tournament, Omniknight, Huskar, Abbadon, Io and Timbersaw become some very popular picks.

Arc Warden benefits a lot from the neutral items, for every active item, he can use it twice, makes him to come online faster. All those attack range items also let him to hit tower out of range early on, making him one of the best tower hitter.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5 )

It is sad that even after all the strong buffs, Shadow Fiend is still weak, lots of players love to play him, but he simply does not work in the meta right now.

Since hero with leash and root are popular (Treant Protector, Puck, Slark, etc), Ember Spirit is having a hard time in this meta. Clumsy Net is also a big problem.

Highest Pick Rate Increase

Slark is one of the best carry right now, the Scepter upgrade gives him so much mobility, making him a very strong snowball hero.

Enchantress is a great flex-pick now, with Impetus becoming a normal skill, she can ditch out lots of damage even as a support. And with Untouchable piercing immunity, she is also very tanky throughout the game.

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

The removal of experience talent hit hard, Keeper of the Light may need some buff to come back to the meta.

Gyrocopter have a stable 66.67% win rate when played with Io and only 33.33% without Io, the massive ban on Io is the reason he is picked less.

Chaos Knight and Undying is a great example of being nerfed too hard, not even a team would like to try them.

Peak Hero Performance

The damage increase on Skywrath Mage by neutral items are crazy, an early Clumsy Net also makes him a super killer.

Consider how those neutral items increase the heal of Io, Oracle is doing an insane amount of healing.

Huskar is one of the heroes that benefits a lot on staking neutral items, he can suddenly getting 6 slot at the mid game and roll over you. But it is all gone after 7.24.


from datdota.com

Since the jungle and shrine changes, people are talking about Dire will have an advantage, but the truth is that Radiant has a huge advantage, it is lucky that we can counter balance that with first pick.

With the removal of Shrine and the move of Outpost, the dynamic will be changed again.

