Epicenter Major 2019 Data Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2019
Vici Gaming is the Champion of Epicenter Major 2019

Sorry for the late analysis, as usual, we will see how the meta affects the quickly released 7.22d patch.

Due to the massive 7.22 patch, many heroes have been tried out, seems like a healthy meta at this point.


Games: 97
Total Heroes: 117
Picked: 105
Banned: 91
Untouched: 7

From datdota.com
Lots of heroes have been tried, causing the flat pattern at the 0 ~ 10% range

Most Contested Heroes

  • Sven is the best carry hero right now, he is banned in 1st phase multiple times. His ability to farm quickly and fight early is a great asset to every team. Even his early game is nerfed in 7.22d, but it does not stop him from being the best.
  • Chen is back to his deathball style after the change, he is fearsome in the hands of some teams.
  • You know there is some problem when Templar Assassin is involved in the first phase. When there are not many heroes that can counter her in the laning phase, she snowballs the game immensely. The ability to double Meld also let her team melt Roshan in 10 seconds.
  • Grimstroke have been picked a lot, teams start to find the way to combo with his skills, making him effective in multiple games.
  • Warlock is back after the buff to the early game Fatal Bonds and makes it bouncing, he also surprises everyone with the destructive combo with Gimstroke’s Soulbind.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5)

  • Both Axe and Witch Doctor are some surprise picks that teams can discover more.
  • Slark is revealed by OG, being one of the hardest to kill carry, he is also a great counter to many Strength heroes.
  • Medusa is still working after the nerfs, especially verses the mana hungry strength heroes.
  • Windranger is revealed by Team Liquid, w33 picked her multiple times but can be countered. Her ult comes online easily with just a Javelin. Her K+A/D is also top of the list.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5)

  • The heavy nerfs on Devour is hurting Doom’s early game a lot.
  • Lina is still too squishy as a core in the meta, even after the buffs in 7.22.
  • Monkey King just falls off suddenly, he seems vulnerable in the current bursty meta.
  • Naga Siren is picked without combo partners, making her ult useless in most of the time.
  • After multiple buffs, Bristleback has been tried by multiple teams, he has got some success, expect to see him more.

Highest Pick Rate Increase

  • Centaur Warrunner is one of the strongest offlaner now, especially he can get Scepter bonus from Roshan.
  • Mars is the newly added hero, I believe teams still need time to figure him out since not many players can play him.
  • Spirit Breaker is surprisingly strong with the 141 build, he is one of the strongest roamers right now.
  • Omniknight hard support has become a replacement of support Abbadon after the nerfs.
  • Gyrocopter is back just because Io is back to captains mode, it is sad that both of them seems must be picked together.

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

Basically just the list of nerfed heroes.

Peak Hero Performance

  • Weaver is back to the scene after some buffs on Geminate Attack.
  • Skywrath Mage does an immense amount of damage but does not get the win.


Radiant has a massive advantage now, although nerfs are done in 7.22, and sadly the First or the Last pick cannot counterbalance it, due not less OP heroes.

See you next time, it will be some short analysis to keep track of the meta.

