MDL Disneyland® Paris Major Data Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2019
Team Secret is the Champion of MDL Disneyland® Paris Major

We had a fantastic Major; all top 8 teams have excellent performance. Let’s go into the data directly.

The meta is already figured out by many teams, the hero picks are narrowed a bit, but thanks to Team Secret tried some rare heroes, like Pudge and Ancient Apparition, we still have some diversity.

The powerful aura of Guardian Greaves also changes the meta a lot, due to the bonus regen and armor under 20% health, heroes are much harder to kill and sustain become an important factor in team fights.


Games: 94
Total Heroes: 115 (Io is still out)
Picked: 94
Banned: 83
Untouched: 16

Meta is a little less diverse

Most Contested Heroes

  • Doom, Razor, and Nyx Assassin are similar; they are first banned a lot due to their shut down nature, they shut down spell caster, physical melee and DOT/AOE caster heroes correspondingly, which make drafting against them very difficult.
  • Drow Ranger become the star of the patch, apart from the great aura, and most importantly, is her ability to one shot ancients with her ult, it dramatically increases her farming speed and spike timing.
  • Dark Seer and Batrider are the hottest offlaner due to their ability to pull creep to the jungle and farm them all, and also freeing up a support for roaming.
  • The early Ring of Health from Enigma makes the offlaner self sufficient, makes the 4 core line up being possible.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5)

  • Necrophos and Sven are both powerful on bursting down enemies, avoiding the bonus effect of Guardian Greaves aura.
  • Monkey King is picked to dominate lane and snowball with him, and he is also picked to counter Medusa.
  • Ancient Apparition is mostly picked by Team Secret, expect to be picked more in the future, because he directly counters any sustain line up.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5)

Highest Pick Rate Increase

  • Sand King and Earthshaker are picked a lot for their reliable CC and team fight ability, the, and they are the safe pick in the first phase without exposing any strategy.
  • Grimstroke is picked up by many teams again, with better practice, nice combo like double doom are quite common in this major.

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

  • Pangolier is still good after the nerf, but teams have discovered more ways to counter him, for example, Silencer.
  • Viper is not picked a lot after the nerf, but he is still good at the strong break effect.

Peak Hero Performance

A new category, we will pick top 3 heroes on K+A/D, Damage per Gold, Heals and Tower Damage.

  • Sven, Storm Spirit and Anti-Mage are so strong when there are not correct counters; it is almost not possible to kill them.
  • The most Damage/Gold efficient heroes do not win them the game; they lack the ability to secure kills under all the strong sustain, Ember Spirit is the victim of it.
  • Abaddon is crazy with that heal number, how he spam Mist Coil early game are also lane breaking.


Different from the DreamLeague Major, Radiant advantage is back, but it is balanced out by the First pick instead of the Last pick now, it is clearly because of multiple strong heroes are being contested and we don’t have enough ban slot. Overall it is just a 2% difference, which is not a big issue in Pro game but Pub games.

Thanks for reading, you can follow me on twitter @draconid.

