High hopes : A Game beyond possibilities.

Mahesh Garkoti
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2017

Most of the people who started playing Dota2 when it was in it’s initial phase and had just started gaining popularity after the commencement of the prize pool of 1.6 million$ for TI 1 in 2011 dreamed of making it to that arena someday. Dota2 had been a highly addictive game surpassing the popularity of Counter Strike and World of Warcraft within no time.

Gamers who used to be playing casually started to follow games closely as now those so called “nerds” would have something to showcase their talent much likely to follow their passion as their livelihood.With the passing of each day Dota2 is gaining more and more popularity and if we look at the current statistics of the game then the data will simply amaze you.

Release date: Jul 9, 2013
Score rank: 70% Userscore: 89% Old userscore: 89% Metascore: 90%
Owners: 104,702,438 ± 241,886
Players in the last 2 weeks: 9,157,457 ± 81,814 (8.75%)
Players total: 104,702,438 ± 241,886 (100%)
Peak concurrent players yesterday: 760,038

There are 100 million non unique Dota2 registered account right now and almost 1.3 million players playing at peak hour at a particular time.So the craze for this game is growing more and more with each passing day and players like “Miracle”, “Midone”, “Abed” who are already reaching new milestone has taken the game to more difficulty level for new players.

The above graph shows the statistics of the MMR distribution among the Dota2 players and turns out around 99% of the total players have MMR less than 4.1k while the pros has manged to reach the 10k mark.So it is quite obvious that people still have hopes that someday they will move above the ladder and manage to get their names in some of the professional teams and will fulfil their dream of becoming a professional Dota2 gamer.

Well there are many people who are playing the game since the very beginning and have managed to make i to a decent place but still they are a bit far from making it to the professional scene.One of the is a guy named BlueSpan,a dedicated full time dota2 player who has been playing the game since 2012 and with some more time,he may probably make it to the professional scene someday. Dota2 is not a game where you win just because of your solo skills,you need to be a team player and most importantly a calm and positive team will help you climb the MMR ladder faster.There are 20% games that you win no matter whatever you do in the game,20% game you lose no matter how hard you try and rest 60% depends on your game,how you played and coordinated with your team.Another thing Blue taught his followers.

The popularity of this game has increased so much that many people have started to opt it as their profession.The craze fr this game is at it’s peak in South East Asia and United States.People are playing this game like anything day and night in hope that one day they too can make it to the professional scene.Gaming cafes are being highly popularised among the players.For one thing is sure each Dota2 player is a try hard,they know road is tough but not an impossible one and if everything goes right who knows when could things start to go their way.

Professional players and Streamers like “SingSing”, “Admiral Bulldog” who once competed in pro scenes have now switched to their live stream and probably earn enough through streaming.It’s also one of big opportunity for professional gamers to stream their game and probably with a unique style of talking and playing in absurd manner makes it more fun to watch them play and it catches more users to their channel.

Well for many Dota2 is not just a game,it’s the game they want to see themselves at the top most point.It’s a game of million possibilities with a thrilling and exciting life ahead full of gaming and competition.After all,every passionate dota2 player who comes familiar with the concept of dota2 eventually wants to see him here someday.

The International Arena 2015
Aegis of the Champions

And eventually wants to lift this trophy because it’s not about the prize money it’s about the pride and the feeling of being the best in the world.



Mahesh Garkoti
Editor for

Dota2 player,Writer,Blogger and an avid learner