How to get customer testimonials for your product to drive growth: 3 easy steps

Ravi Shah
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2021

In 2021, almost all websites have a powerful customer testimonial page. Great testimonials tell the audience that your business is legitimate and actually works well. Showing them on the website definitely increases the overall conversion.

According to Oberlo, around 9 out of 10 people check online reviews before purchasing the product.

So, testimonials boost the conversion rate and inspire trust in your business. But if you don’t have a testimonial page or section on the website yet, how can you start showing genuine reviews on the website?

It’s simple, either feature the existing customer reviews or ask the customers to share their positive experience on social media.

With our study at Doter, more than 18% of the happy customers are interested in sharing their positive reviews on Google.

If you don’t ask, you will never get what you want.

How to achieve it in 3 Simple Steps?

  1. Ask feedback from the customers once they receive the product.
  2. If they are very happy with the product, nudge them to share their experience over Twitter/Facebook/Google via Email/SMS/Whatsapp.
  3. In case, they didn’t take the action — remind them after 3 days to boost reviews.

Let’s look into a bit more detail —

  1. Asking for customer feedback

I’m sure you must be already using some tools to capture customer feedback. You can use any tools like Typeform, SurveyMonkey, Google Forms to even the custom coded widget.

You can schedule this email based on the industry benchmark and when your customers are actually getting value from the product. For eg — Amazon & Flipkart takes around 7 days before they ask you for the product feedback while the delivery feedback email is sent once the product is delivered.

Typeform feedback template

2. Nudge them to share the experience over Twitter

Let’s segment the happy customers into one bucket and politely ask them to share their experience on social media — Twitter/Facebook or Google Reviews. It’s always better to ask for the review within one day of sharing the feedback. You can use any email marketing tool to automate this journey. Typeform already has webhooks and integrations which can push the customer's email to Mailchimp or Sendgrid. Just use the tools and personalise the email as much as you can.

Sample email sent to the customer next day of receiving positive feedback

3. Use these reviews and publish them on the website

It’s always a good practice to share genuine customer reviews over websites and other channels to build more trust among the audience. Elfsight has a good app that collates reviews from all the places and shows on your website.

Automating the entire flow

Instead of using different tools at different stages, you can also use Doter to automate the entire flow. Add the Doter feedback link on the email/SMS and send it to your customers as soon as they receive the product.

It works both ways —

  1. Capture actionable feedback from the existing customers.
  2. Nudge the happy customers to push their comments on Google/Twitter/Facebook.
This is how Doter can help with collecting feedback and pushing happy customers for reviews

Please do check to manage feedback and reviews.

Get actionable insights from customer feedback and boost social presence via genuine customer reviews.

