Information is Power

brown bramuel
DOT Kenya
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

As a DOT Community Leader, one of my deliverables were to train underemployed and unemployed women and youth (m/f) between ages of 19-29 years on social entrepreneurship through StartUp program! Not only that, but I was also to train women on digital tools, recognizing the specific gender barriers faced by women as they access ICT.
The task ahead of me was to ensure I get these young men and women first, before I deliver on my purpose. Through the help of my Program Officer, I have managed to mobilize more than 100 women and youth, most of whom have already joined the DOT StartUp! Program.

Budokomi Participants in a class

I began facilitating classes on January 16, 2018 and so far I am impressed by the thirst and hunger participants have shown towards the program. For example, each participant at Budokomi Youth Empowerment Center pays Kshs. 10 for a seat twice a week!

Annette a mother carries her daughter to class to benefit from the DOT StartUp! Program

Our partner centers have shown their full support for the program by providing a venue, tools and the equipment needed to deliver the DOT StartUp! Program. An example is Compassion Child Development Center in Bukhayo West Busia County, which allows us to train on digital tools within their computer lab while participants pay a small fee.

Women and youth learn computer at Compassion Child Development Centre.

This noble program has seen us partner with other organizations that have the interest of the community at heart, particularly women and the youth. This means that many of the participants benefit from other programs that align well with DOT Kenya’s Program.

Nelson Butichi from Africa 118 training participants on Online Marketing a
Program funded by Google
Edgar Akide a youth Officer outlining the youth programs available to women and the youth, and how they can benefit from them.

