My Mkulima Hatchery entrepreneurship journey, lessons and advice

Morgan Abukuse
DOT Kenya
Published in
6 min readAug 7, 2018

Being an entrepreneur is a title that is getting more fashionable as the years go by, and on the face of it, it’s not hard to see why. Images of sharp suited business owners with beaming confidence and a bank balance to boot are deeply embedded in the minds of many, but behind all the perceived panache are the often overlooked hours of hard work and dedication. That doesn’t make for as interesting a thought. Thomas Edison once remarked that “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Entrepreneurship can be a tough and long journey for many people. Some get lucky and succeed the first time. The issue is to continue learning and growing. As part of this learning, I do acknowledge the support from Digital Opportunity Trust Kenya (DOT Kenya) through training, mentorship and networking. Following the training since July 2017, I identified a business idea and pursued it with great commitment to the point of actualization. This entrepreneurship journey has brought about a paradigm shift in my entrepreneurship thinking and perception. It has been a great school in which I have continuously learned the following lessons as far as Mkulima Hatchery Enterprise is concerned;

1. Innovation can be simple.

For a long time I thought I had to develop something that had never been done before to be successful. While that is somewhat true, sometimes an innovation can be quite simple. My locally designed digital incubator is the best example since I only had to learn about how the normal commercial incubator is designed. Thereafter I had to identify the gaps that exist and apply social innovation in improving these areas. These ideas are basic and don’t require super innovative technology. They fulfill a basic need.

Success can come from simple ideas with a twist.

2. Test and do it now.

Too many times I’ve thought of an idea and then contemplated various scenarios and how it could play out. I analyzed every aspect and tried to guess and estimate all the contingencies. That’s needed to some extent but the best approach is to just start building and testing an idea. Brainstorm a quick way to put together the most basic form of a product to send to potential customers. This process will result in the best estimates of how the product might fare in the marketplace and provide real feedback to help you polish your idea.

3. Think for the short term and adapt.

In school I was taught to create five year business plans and outlines. But how can you plan for five years when the landscape changes so rapidly? Make plans, but stick to the short-term and near future. I now like to plan for six months or a year ahead, depending on the venture. I also do not waste valuable time drafting plans that could be overwritten as circumstances change.

4. Work hard, play hard.

Stories of extremely hardworking entrepreneurs abound. One hears of 80-hour weeks and the notion that those who don’t work all the time are not serious entrepreneurs. Yes, entrepreneurship is difficult and you must put in long working hours, more than many other people do. But don’t sacrifice family, social life and fun. I strongly suggest against sacrificing these things to further your social enterprise. What if you put in the long hours, neglect your personal life and the business fails? Then you’ve lost your business and your close relationships. Even if your business skyrockets, you may feel locked into work and obliged to devoting long hours to its continued growth. Ultimately, this leads to burnout. Can you effectively grow a business if you’re burned out and want out? Manage your time and grant yourself breaks and days off. Take time to socialize and spend time with family and friends. This can help clear your mind so you’ll make better decisions or arrive at realizations that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

5. It’s not all about you and your idea.

Take time to serve and help others. My focus on my early businesses led to just me, me, me. This was a lonely experience and it negatively affected me and my businesses. I’ve since changed and now continually make time for others. I look for opportunities to assist people and serve. This not only makes me feel better about myself but it helps my business. Karma may exist or not but definitely more businesses and people are drawn to you when you help them. Don’t expect anything in return. The act has to come from the heart and be completely selfless. Sometimes people you’ve helped will help you. Other times they will not. No matter what, keep helping and making the time to provide a favor

6. Don’t be a pancake.

I used to describe myself as a pancake. My broad set of skills kept me low and flat. I knew a little about a lot of different industries and expertise. This is great for managing teams but I consistently found myself being mediocre and not excelling in any area. I wasn’t known for anything. About three months ago I decided to focus on one thing and put a majority of my time and effort into developing that skill and becoming the best in it. I read books and articles, shared what I learned and networked with experts. This has granted me many opportunities that I would not have been allotted in my pancake state. When it comes to business, don’t try to be good at everything. Keep yourself abreast of other industry practices and skills aligned with your focus and push to develop your skill, product or service to be the best in the areas that’s needed and sought after. Then build from there.

7. Celebrate small wins.

Starting a company is hard, growing one is hard and running one is hard. Doing this day in and day out can be tiresome. Sometimes I feel like I’m not winning or getting anywhere. Many people celebrate the big wins, but what about the small wins? In your short-term plan, identify small wins to celebrate. Avoid the notion that you have to land some fantastic, outstanding client or reach thousands of customers before celebrating. Rejoice over the first customer or transaction or over squashing a minor coding bug in a few days. Revel in the moment of pushing through three months. Recognizing small victories can boost your morale and provide a surge of energy. The small wins may alleviate the stress that can drag you down. Fun times help you recognize successes even if they aren’t earth shattering. They provide you with the motivation to keep going.

Entrepreneurs are great at dealing with uncertainty and also very good at minimizing risk. That is the classic entrepreneur and remember the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

My locally designed digital incubators at Mkulima Hatchery Enterprise

Do you have any advice to share? Post it on the comment section below!

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