My success story with Digital Opportunity Trust Kenya

Jann Awuor
DOT Kenya
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

Christine Achieng Dacky is one of the participants at Thika Institute for Medical Sciences that I train. She is a DOT Kenya Alumni of the Reachup! programme and currently a beneficiary of DOT Startup! and Digital Literacy Programmes. I had the opportunity to interview Christine on her progress after completing the Reachup! programme and this is her story:

Christine Achieng Dacky at a past modelling contest

“My name is Catherine Achieng Dacky, a resident of Kisumu county. I went through DOT Reachup! Training which took place at the National library in Kisumu in August and ended in September 2014.

This programme was facilitated by Mr. Erick who trained us on basic computer skills, qualities of a good employee and employer alike, tapping into our potential and mostly how to identify our strengths and weaknesses. We were also able to learn how to relate with people in a working environment, save money and create budgets.

DOT Kenya Reachup! certificate.

These skills further enabled me to improve on my speech and public relation skills as well as computer literacy which has helped me work in various departments. The certificate has also been a valuable addition to my curriculum vitae.

I am currently taking up the Startup! training with our facilitator Jann Aowur. My expectations at the end of this training include the ability to be able to identify business opportunities, come up with a business idea and to develop a business plan that will one day change the face of my community at large. I also hope to gain knowledge of ways I can be able to source for capital and most importantly how to save and invest in my business.

Through DOT, I’ve also been able to expand my networks and work with some organisations soon after my Reachup! training. With this, I look forward to continue with the Startup! training and expand my knowledge further and wish to encourage other youth out to take advantage of these programmes seeing how beneficial it has been to me in my career, I know it will be of equal advantage to you as well.

Thank you DOT Kenya.”

