Use Azure App Configuration with .NET or ASP.NET Core Applications

Ashish Patel
.NET Hub
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2019


Store app settings in Azure App Configuration for .NET 5.x or ASP.NET Core 3.x applications.

Azure App Configuration


Azure App Configuration allows you to define settings that can be shared among multiple apps, including apps running in App Service. We will use Azure App Configuration to centralize storage and management of application settings for an ASP.NET Core application. ASP.NET Core builds a single key-value-based configuration object using settings from one or more data sources specified by an application.

More details on Azure App Configuration
Use Azure Key Vault with .NET or ASP.NET Core Applications

Store settings in Azure App Configuration

To enable the use of Azure App Configuration you need to install below packages.

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.AppConfiguration.AspNetCore
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.FeatureManagement.AspNetCore
PM> Install-Package Azure.Identity

You need to modify your Host Builder logic to add the code needed. We can use the ConfiureAppConfiguration() method to plug in Azure App Configuration code into ASP.NET Core Application configuration.

  1. Enable App Configuration in Program.cs — Update the…



Ashish Patel
.NET Hub

Cloud Architect • 4x AWS Certified • 6x Azure Certified • 1x Kubernetes Certified • MCP • .NET • Terraform • DevOps • Blogger []