Tiny Alchemy: Apple Watch Puzzle Game

Vee Lesyk
Dots and Spaces
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2020

We are releasing today our first purely WatchOS game — Tiny Alchemy 🎉.

You can download the application from the AppStore and upvote it on the ProductHunt.

This tiny game is our spin-off of the original 2048 game (read about it here). Besides us having fun during the process, we have investigated the maturity of the WatchOS standalone application development together with the new SwiftUI framework.

Tou our mind these two technologies are working exceptionally well fo the narrow scenarios of small applications 🚀.

Tiny Alchemy gameplay.


WatchOS is still limited in many ways, but to our mind, 95% of all possible use cases for watch applications are already covered. Great job Apple 👏.


The most incredible part of SwiftUI is how intuitive it is. The whole application was written in less than a day, without any previous knowledge of the SwiftUI.

SwiftUI is perfect for a simple UI (Apple Watch applications for instance), and it is very easy to prototype using it.

However, it is still the early days and some weird behaviors exist. On my machine still, Xcode does not build successfully all the time, on colleagues machine live reloading does not work… Another problem is that it is quite difficult to integrate components written with SwiftUI into existing applications, and requires huge rewrites.

Tiny Alchemy screenshots.

Tiny Alchemy is available today in the AppStore. If you have a moment, please vote for us on Product Hunt.

Tiny Alchemy icon.

P.S. We would be happy to see comments according to mistakes & typos.



Vee Lesyk
Dots and Spaces

#h+ #livemoredomore Adventurer. Unique experience wizard. Maker of things. Convergence commander. Information warlock. Problem solver. System: ☉; Planet: ♁.