Dottyland Impact Self for Blu3

Kärri Brewster-Palts
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2023

When we say we’re very pleased to announce the release of the Blu3 Impact Self allowlist we’re otherwise still in beta ourselves, we’re not just saying it as a polite start to a medium post!

But first — have you heard of the Blu3 Community? They are a remarkable group of individuals* who are making it feasible for women and non-binary people to explore and build new careers within the web3 space.
Not just words either.. In 2022, Blu3 onboarded over 200 women+ into the web3 space and was the launch of for over 40 Web3 Projects with a 97% hackathon bounty win rate. All of this within the first launch year. But there’s a whole lot more to the Blu3 Community than hackathons — check them out!

Blu3 Core Team Impact Self

What exactly is the Blu3 Impact Self?

The Blu3 Impact Self is a digital sovereign impact identity in the form of a soulbound token. It’s non-transferrable and dynamic, and is dedicated to Blu3 hackers, members, and contributors.

Born out of a collaboration between Blu3 and Dottyland, it’s built on the Dottyland Impact Self, aggregating individual impact data for the owner to control and utilise going forward.

An unexpected and positively intense collaboration (from first related Tg message to execution within 1.5 weeks!), it made complete sense that Blu3’s (with their huge contribution to the DEI and impact space within the web3 ecosystem) first virtue signalling solution would be an impact identity.

This impacty identity continues to accumulate value on its own as an Impact Self as well as being part of Blu3’s own value proposition to its community.

The signature electric blue butterflies make the Blu3 Impact Self easily recognizable. The art collection by Kimverlyn Lim highlights the narrative of protecting and fighting alongside Mother Earth, and features a different visual solution for Blu3 hackers, core team, and members.

All registered Blu3 hackers, core team, and verified community members can claim their Blu3 Impact Self via Dottyland, and it can be viewed on OpenSea.

Blu3 Hacker Impact Self

Climate-positive impact is baked into the Impact Self 🫀 and the Blu3 Impact Self

Besides aggregating the user’s climate-positive impact, the claiming of an Impact Self 🫀, including the Blu3 Impact Self already entails built-in climate-positive impact!

We wanted to go further than simply integrating offsetting and support climate projects that make positive impact possible in the first place. So we chose Spirals Protocol for our pilot integration.

The logic is simple — per every Impact Self 🫀 and Blu3 Impact Self claimed, Dottyland stakes 100USDC with Spirals Protocol (from Dottyland’s funds, with the principle being extractable). This action adds to the individual’s impact score whilst Spirals, in turn, redirects the generated yield towards verified climate projects.

What’s next?

As we move forward, our focus will continue to be on adding climate-positive behaviour data sources, as well as generating utility value for all Impact Self 🫀 owners while testing and integrating user feedback.

With Blu3, we’ll be exploring how we can integrate the community’s specific impact into the impact score.
Sign up to try it out on If you’re a Blu3 member wishing to claim yours, get in touch with us here.<

Kärri and Ketly
Dottyland founders

*they’re also some of the funnest and most welcoming people you’ll ever meet!

Blu3 hackers and core team (…and Ketly 🤷‍♀️)



Kärri Brewster-Palts

Co-founder @ Dottyland. Turning climate-positive behaviour into functional on-chain identities.