Introducing: DotVVM

Olasubomi Olorunsola


I have been involved with the .NET Framework following my involvement with Visual Basic in 2018, this was due to Introductory Computer Sciences “FSC113” one of my courses which required me to learn Visual Basic .NET.

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET “VB .NET”

Further down other frameworks based off of the Model-View-ViewModel “MVVM” architecture caught my interest among which was DotVVM an open source framework which lets you build Line-of-Business web apps without writing any JavaScript code.

DotVVM was developed by Tomáš Herceg.

“Real developers don’t use frameworks,” they told me …and I kind of agree. Real developers build them.

This wonderful framework eases development of web apps by using MVVM Architecture with .NET on the server side

Do you wonder how DotVVM works?
It’s easy — all you need to know is HTML, C# and basics of CSS.

Every page in DotVVM consists of two files:

  • a view, which is based on the HTML syntax and describes what the page will look like.
  • a viewmodel, which is a C# class that describes the state of the page (e.g. values in the form fields) and handles user interactions (e.g. button clicks).

So it’s about time we started using DotVVM for developing our web apps. A classic and easy-to-use platform to learn how to use DotVVM is none-other than the DotVVM Academy.

If you have any questions concerning any of the above, visit or reach out to me personally @Jollof_guy on Twitter

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