Consistency & Consensus for System Design Interview (2): implementing linearizability

Tech Wrench
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6 min readMay 16, 2023


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In this lesson, we’ll revisit the various replication schemes from our discussion on replication in distributed systems and explore them to determine if they can conform to the requirements of linearizability. Trivially, a system with no replication and having a single copy of data with operations executing atomically is a linearizable system. However, such a system isn’t fault tolerant and a failure would make data unavailable. Let’s see how replicated systems fare:

Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers and Managers

Single leader replication

In a single leader replication, the master copy of the data resides with the leader and all writes are directed to the leader. The system can consist of synchronous and asynchronous followers. In the absence of split-brain and concurrency bugs, alongwith all reads being…

