Review of’s Web Development Interview Handbook

Double Pointer
Tech Wrench
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2020


Web Development Interview Handbook

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Recently, we had an opportunity to review Educative’s new course “Web Development Interview Handbook”, a new addition to Educative’s Interview prep courses war-chest. Read-on for our $0.02.

Web development jobs are the easiest to crack in the computer science industry. If you don’t want to work on the backend systems which require knowledge of concurrency and distributed systems, you can always opt to develop frontend instead. Besides reduced complexity, web development offers greater opportunities to showcase one’s creativity and artistic abilities. Folks, who revel in seeing their work have a direct impact on the end-user may find a hard pull to work in the frontend domain.

Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions

The feedback loop when working in the frontend domain is very tight. WYSIWYG— What you see is what you get. Say, if you are a developer at Facebook and you are working on the user’s feed feature, you’ll be able to see the changes as soon as they get deployed to production. Users will be able to interact with the UI changes and leave you feedback the minute the feature is released. If…

