Unveiling the Top 5 Amazon API Gateway Interview Questions Every Software Engineer Should Know

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Tech Wrench
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4 min readFeb 25, 2024

In the realm of software engineering interviews, mastering Amazon API Gateway concepts can significantly bolster your chances of landing that dream job. With Amazon Web Services (AWS) being a cornerstone in modern cloud computing, familiarity with Amazon API Gateway is invaluable. To help you prepare effectively, let’s delve into the top five most asked Amazon API Gateway interview questions, along with comprehensive answers to each.

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1. What is Amazon API Gateway, and how does it work?

Answer: Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service provided by AWS that enables developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It acts as a front-door for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from backend services, such as AWS Lambda functions, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or EC2 instances. API Gateway facilitates the seamless integration of client applications with backend services, handling tasks like request routing, authentication, authorization, and request/response transformations.

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2. What are the key features of Amazon API Gateway?

Answer: Amazon API Gateway offers a plethora of features tailored to streamline the API development and management process. Some key features include:

  • Easy API Creation: Allows developers to quickly build APIs using intuitive configuration options or by importing OpenAPI definitions.
  • Integration with AWS Services: Seamless integration with various AWS services, including Lambda functions, DynamoDB, S3, and more, simplifying backend development.
  • Scalability and High Availability: Automatically scales to handle any amount of traffic and ensures high availability across multiple AWS regions.
  • Security and Authorization: Provides built-in features for authentication and authorization, supporting various methods like API keys, IAM roles, Lambda authorizers, and Amazon Cognito.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Offers detailed monitoring and logging capabilities through Amazon CloudWatch, enabling real-time insights into API usage, performance, and errors.
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3. How does caching work in Amazon API Gateway, and why is it beneficial?

Answer: Amazon API Gateway provides built-in caching capabilities to improve the performance and reduce latency of APIs by caching responses from backend endpoints. When caching is enabled for a method in API Gateway, it stores the response to a particular request for a configurable time period. Subsequent requests with the same parameters can then be served directly from the cache, bypassing the backend, thereby reducing the load on backend systems and improving response times for clients. Caching is particularly beneficial for APIs with static or infrequently changing data, helping to enhance scalability and cost-effectiveness.

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4. What are the different types of APIs supported by Amazon API Gateway?

Answer: Amazon API Gateway supports two main types of APIs:

  • RESTful APIs: Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs follow the REST architectural style and are designed around resources, URIs, HTTP methods, and stateless communication. They utilize standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and are commonly used for building web services that adhere to REST principles.
  • WebSocket APIs: WebSocket APIs enable real-time, bidirectional communication between client applications and backend services over a single, long-lived connection. They are well-suited for use cases requiring low-latency communication, such as chat applications, gaming platforms, and IoT applications.

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5. How can you secure APIs in Amazon API Gateway?

Answer: Securing APIs in Amazon API Gateway involves implementing various security mechanisms to control access, authenticate users, and protect sensitive data. Some common methods for securing APIs include:

  • API Keys: Generate and distribute API keys to clients for access control and usage tracking.
  • IAM Roles and Policies: Define IAM roles and policies to grant permissions for accessing APIs based on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principles.
  • Lambda Authorizers: Use AWS Lambda functions to implement custom authorization logic, allowing fine-grained control over access to API resources.
  • Amazon Cognito: Integrate with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users, manage user pools, and enforce user identity and access management policies.
  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect: Implement OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect standards for delegated authorization and authentication, enabling secure access to APIs for third-party clients.

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In conclusion, mastering Amazon API Gateway concepts is paramount for software engineers aspiring to excel in AWS-centric roles. By familiarizing yourself with these top five interview questions and their corresponding answers, you’ll be well-equipped to ace your next Amazon API Gateway interview and showcase your expertise in building scalable, secure, and high-performance APIs on AWS.

