ClickHouse for Big Data: Why You Should Consider It

In today’s data-driven world, businesses face a major challenge: handling large amounts of data and extracting valuable insights in real-time. The sheer volume, speed, and variety of data have overwhelmed traditional analytics tools. Real-time analytics is crucial for making prompt, informed decisions and staying ahead in a rapidly changing market.

Nicole Kroeck
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2023


To tackle these challenges and unleash the power of big data analytics, businesses need a reliable and scalable solution. Enter ClickHouse, an advanced analytics tool designed specifically for handling large datasets.

ClickHouse is a game-changer for businesses looking to overcome the obstacles associated with big data. It offers exceptional performance, scalability, and real-time analytics capabilities, making it the top choice for professionals in various roles.

With ClickHouse, businesses can process and analyze massive amounts of data quickly. Its high-speed query execution ensures that insights are available in seconds or even milliseconds, allowing decision-makers to take immediate action based on the latest information.

Why is Clickhouse Good for Big Data?

  1. Blazing-Fast Performance: ClickHouse is optimized for high-speed query execution, making it ideal for handling large datasets and delivering near-real-time analytics. Its columnar storage and vectorized query execution techniques enable rapid data processing. ClickHouse can retrieve 100 million records in just one second, whereas the MySQL string DBMS takes more than 800 seconds.
  2. Scalability: ClickHouse is designed to handle massive datasets, scaling effortlessly to accommodate petabytes of data and process billions of rows per second.
  3. Compression: ClickHouse optimizes data storage by efficiently compressing data, reducing storage requirements while maintaining quick access to information.
  4. Vectorization: ClickHouse utilizes vectorized query execution, performing operations on large batches of data simultaneously, leading to significant performance improvements.
  5. Efficient Data Types: ClickHouse offers specialized data types designed for analytical workloads, enabling efficient storage and processing of numeric, date/time, and string data.
  6. Real-time Data Ingestion: ClickHouse supports continuous data ingestion, allowing businesses to process high-speed data streams in real-time for timely insights.
  7. Materialized Views: ClickHouse’s materialized views enable pre-computed aggregations, speeding up query execution and improving overall performance.
  8. Real-time Aggregation: ClickHouse provides built-in support for real-time data aggregation, allowing businesses to analyze rapidly changing data and generate actionable insights.
  9. Approximate Query Execution: ClickHouse offers the ability to perform approximate calculations, providing faster results for large datasets while maintaining acceptable accuracy.
  10. Support for User-Defined Functions: ClickHouse allows the creation and use of custom user-defined functions, enabling businesses to perform complex computations and transformations on data efficiently.
  11. Integration with Existing Infrastructure: ClickHouse seamlessly integrates with various data sources and tools, making it versatile and adaptable. Connectors and APIs allow you to ingest data from multiple sources effortlessly. Additionally, ClickHouse’s SQL support ensures compatibility with existing query workflows, reducing any migration friction.
  12. Complex Analytical Capabilities: ClickHouse supports a wide range of analytical functions, including filtering, grouping, window functions, and approximate query execution. These capabilities enable businesses to perform in-depth analysis and derive valuable insights from their big data.
  13. Cost-Effective Solution: ClickHouse’s efficient data storage and query processing techniques result in lower hardware requirements, making it a cost-effective solution for big data analytics. Businesses can achieve high performance without significant infrastructure investments.


ClickHouse is a game-changer in the world of big data analytics. Its ability to provide real-time insights, handle massive datasets, and scale efficiently makes it an invaluable tool for professionals and businesses alike.

As a data-driven company, we at DoubleCloud understand the importance of accessible and powerful analytics tools. That’s why we offer ClickHouse as a service that allows you to harness the power of ClickHouse with ease. With our service, you can set up ClickHouse in just two clicks, eliminating any setup complexities. Visit DoubleCloud today and embark on your journey towards comprehensive big data analytics with ClickHouse.

