ClickHouse vs Druid: A Decisive Comparison

Data Engineer
Published in
10 min readJan 25, 2024

In the era of data-driven decision making, choosing the right data management system can be a game-changer. Two giants in this realm, ClickHouse and Druid, are renowned for their large-scale data analytics and real-time processing capabilities. But which one will be your champion in the “ClickHouse vs Druid” battle? Let’s embark on this journey to discover the strengths and weaknesses of each, and help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • ClickHouse is a high performance column-oriented database tailored for big data analytics and real-time analytics, with efficient data compression and fast querying, ideal for high write volume scenarios and real-time analysis.
  • Druid is an open-source data store optimized for real-time analytics and exploration of large, distributed datasets, with scalable cluster nodes, efficient data storage, fast querying for time-series data, and geospatial query support.
  • Both ClickHouse and Druid offer distinct architectures and scalability methods, with ClickHouse providing sharding and replication for horizontal scaling, and Druid optimizing for horizontal scalability in large-scale deployments.

Understanding ClickHouse and Druid

ClickHouse Essentials

ClickHouse stands out as an excellent tool for real-time analytics, boasting impressive features and functionalities. Its rapid query processing and efficient storage engine make it an ideal solution for handling large volumes of data in real-time scenarios.

With its columnar storage format and integrated compression and indexing techniques, ClickHouse enables swift data retrieval and analysis. Moreover, its scalability and fault tolerance guarantee smooth performance, even in the face of increasing data requirements.

Druid Fundamentals

Apache Druid, as an open-source project, is specifically designed for the real-time analysis and exploration of large distributed data. It is tailored to provide efficient solutions for these tasks. It employs a scalable cluster system of nodes for horizontal scaling and effective data management. Its columnar storage is optimized for query processing and indexing efficiency.

Druid’s data storage and indexing facilitate efficient storage and fast query performance, making it ideal for time-related queries. Notably, Druid also supports geospatial data, enabling specialized geospatial queries within its system.

Architectural Differences

Although ClickHouse and Druid both excel in their respective areas, their differing architectures lend themselves to varied use cases. ClickHouse utilizes columnar storage, which enhances query performance by selectively reading only the required columns from disk.

On the other hand, Druid adopts a segmented approach to data storage, making it suitable for handling semi structured data. Its segments, essentially column-oriented files, enable rapid filtering and aggregation, making it well-suited for scenarios involving high-cardinality data and real-time querying.

ClickHouse Columnar Storage

The columnar storage format of ClickHouse plays a major role in its exceptional performance. By storing data for each column independently, ClickHouse ensures efficient data compression and faster querying. Although columnar storage can be less space-optimal for variable-length data, it significantly enhances performance when queries access a limited set of columns.

The primary table engine of ClickHouse, MergeTree, further augments its capabilities.

Druid Segmented Data

Contrastingly, Druid stores data in segments — essentially column-oriented files that can hold up to several million rows. By partitioning data by time, Druid optimizes data segmentation for efficient processing. This segmentation offers the benefit of enabling more efficient filtering and aggregation, making Druid especially valuable for streaming and high-cardinality data.

Querying Capabilities Showdown

In terms of querying capabilities, both ClickHouse and Druid boast their own unique strengths. ClickHouse boasts an exceptional query performance, making it well-suited for OLAP workloads, complex analytical queries and real-time analytics.

Druid is engineered for interactive and exploratory queries, delivering sub-second response times. Let’s delve deeper into the querying capabilities of each.

ClickHouse Queries

ClickHouse supports a variety of query functionalities, including GROUP BY, ORDER BY, subqueries, JOIN, window functions, and others, making it adept at handling complex SQL queries.

Additionally, ClickHouse provides support for nested data structures and manages JSON data effectively, handling JSON in various formats for input and output functions.

Druid Queries

On the flip side, Druid’s proprietary query language is tailored for real-time scenarios. Despite its absence of support for nested data and JSON formats, it compensates with efficient indexing and mechanisms that flatten and denormalize such data. Although ClickHouse, with its columnar storage and query engine, stands out as a wiser option for optimal query performance and latency, individuals dealing with low-latency queries and data ingestion scenarios might find Druid worth considering.

Scalability and Performance

When choosing a data management system, scalability and performance are paramount considerations. ClickHouse and Druid both excel in these areas, but their approaches are distinctly different. ClickHouse achieves horizontal scalability through sharding, dividing a single database into different shards without a dedicated master.

Conversely, Druid achieves horizontal scalability in large-scale deployments while minimizing performance degradation.

ClickHouse Scaling Methods

ClickHouse achieves scalability through the use of both vertical and horizontal scaling methods. This helps in ensuring efficient handling of varying workloads and data volumes. Vertical scaling involves augmenting the capability of a solitary server by incorporating additional resources such as CPU, memory, or storage.

Horizontal scaling, on the other hand, encompasses two variations: data replication and sharding. Sharding involves the division or duplication of data among numerous ClickHouse instances, leading to improved performance and fault tolerance.

Druid Real-Time Scaling

Druid, conversely, manages real-time data ingestion by extracting data from the source system and saving it in data files, while also offering support for Kafka firehose integration for data streams. Druid’s real-time scaling is facilitated by its native indexing service, which plays a crucial role in the platform’s efficiency when scaling in real-time scenarios.


The results, visualized in Fig. show that ClickHouse Cloud node significantly outperforms a comparable Druid cluster. This implies a significant speed advantage of ClickHouse Cloud over Druid.

Ecosystems and Integrations

The evaluation of both databases’ ecosystems and integrations significantly impacts their perceived compatibility with other tools and platforms. ClickHouse is compatible with a variety of tools and platforms, including:

  • Airbyte
  • Fivetran
  • Stitch
  • Matillion
  • DataGrip
  • MySQL
  • Kafka
  • Spark
  • Holistics
  • Looker
  • Redash
  • ClickPipes
  • Looker Studio
  • MySQL Interface
  • Domo

Similarly, Druid can be seamlessly integrated with data processing platforms such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis, in addition to a variety of other popular data tools.

ClickHouse Ecosystem

ClickHouse’s ecosystem is robust and comprehensive, offering various integrations, tools, and thorough documentation. It integrates with:

  • The Apache Hadoop ecosystem for managing data on HDFS
  • Provides an angular web client called ClickHouse-Mate for data searching and exploration
  • Supports interfaces with relational database management systems like MySQL
  • Supports interfaces with message queues like Kafka for batch processing.

Druid Ecosystem

The primary elements of the Druid ecosystem consist of a distributed architecture, columnar storage, and swappable read-only data segments.

Within the Druid ecosystem, a variety of exploratory tools are accessible, such as Turnilo, an open-source data exploration tool, and Pivot, a user-friendly interface tailored for exploratory analytics on event data.

Use Cases and Applications

Though technical specifications hold importance, gaining insights into the practical applications of ClickHouse and Druid can be equally valuable. ClickHouse is frequently employed for ad-hoc querying, constructing data warehouses, and real-time analytics scenarios.

Druid is commonly used for exploring event-driven datasets and large-scale data analytics. It is also helpful for high-speed querying.

ClickHouse Strengths

ClickHouse, an open-source columnar database management system, is renowned for its outstanding capabilities in efficiently processing analytical queries. With support for diverse data formats and a dedicated emphasis on real-time analytics, ClickHouse offers versatility in integrating with well-known BI tools such as Tableau and Grafana, along with various ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for diverse data workflows.

It should be noted that DoubleCloud’s Date Transfer allows you to upload data to Clickhouse in real-time from dozens of sources, such as Apache Kafka, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redshift, BigQuery, and many others.

Druid Advantages

Druid shines in its ability to achieve high performance in real-time analytics by facilitating:

  • Sub-second queries on both streaming and batch data at scale
  • Managing real-time data streams
  • Facilitating decision-making based on the most current data

Druid’s capabilities are instrumental in managing streaming data and facilitating decision-making based on real-time data.

In addition, Druid can be seamlessly incorporated into machine learning and AI workflows to conduct preprocessing and feature extraction, thereby enabling the generation of real-time predictions and insights.

Deployment, Operations, and Security

When selecting a data management system, deployment, operations, and security are of paramount importance. ClickHouse can function with more moderate hardware specifications and provides an extensive array of configuration options.

In contrast, Druid necessitates specialized hardware, such as dedicated clusters, and often entails intricate deployment to accommodate its distributed nature.

ClickHouse Deployment

ClickHouse’s deployment process is quite straightforward. It requires the following steps:

  1. Download the suitable binary.
  2. Initiate the server using the command ‘./clickhouse server’.
  3. If deploying a cluster, ensure that all machines have ClickHouse installed.
  4. Configure cluster settings.
  5. Establish local tables on each instance.

Following the initial setup, ClickHouse provides a wide range of configuration options to customize the system for different use cases and performance requirements.

Druid Deployment

Druid’s deployment process is more complex. It involves:

  • Establishing a cluster and configuring it to ensure scalability and fault tolerance
  • Setting up multiple properties for each service
  • Establishing a multi-node cluster
  • Setting up role-specific servers
  • Setting up external metadata storage
  • Setting up deep storage configurations

However, despite the complex setup, Druid provides a comprehensive web-based UI for cluster administration.

Security and Compliance

In terms of security, both ClickHouse and Druid offer robust measures. They provide encryption for data at rest and in transit, along with authentication and access controls to ensure data security within their systems.

Druid provides granular access control through row-level and column-level access controls, allowing users to finely tune permissions and restrict access to specific subsets of data or particular columns within a dataset.

Community and Support

For any open-source project, community and support systems are a fundamental necessity. Both ClickHouse and Druid boast thriving communities, with participation from developers and users worldwide. ClickHouse’s community is particularly active, with developers and users interacting on platforms like GitHub and StackOverflow.

Druid also has a growing community, with users sharing experiences and best practices on various forums.

ClickHouse Community

The ClickHouse community is highly active and experienced. Developers and users worldwide contribute to the project, creating a supportive environment for new members.

ClickHouse hosts a dedicated forum on Telegram, which is recognized as the largest and most favorable platform for users to engage with ClickHouse developers.

Druid Community

Druid’s community is also thriving and growing. It includes a diverse group of individuals and is primarily led by the Order of Ovates, Bards, and Druids, an organization established by Ross Nichols and Vera Chapman.

Druid’s community provides ample documentation and resources for learning, making it a great environment for new users.


When choosing a data management system, cost plays a significant role. Both ClickHouse and Druid are open-source, enabling deployment on proprietary hardware without incurring licensing expenses. However, they also offer managed services for those who prefer not to manage the infrastructure themselves.

DoubleCloud provides a managed service for ClickHouse. Druid also offers managed services through third-party providers like Imply.

Pros and Cons: ClickHouse vs Druid

After examining the technical aspects, applications, ecosystems, and pricing, it’s time we summarize the advantages and disadvantages of both ClickHouse and Druid. Each has its unique strengths and weaknesses, which make them suitable for various scenarios. However, the choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific use cases, the need for batch processing, historical data analysis, overall performance, scalability, and the appropriateness for columnar data storage.

ClickHouse Pros and Cons

ClickHouse offers high performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. It is capable of efficiently handling complex queries and has demonstrated a higher cost-effectiveness than Druid in production, along with faster querying speeds. However, it has a steep learning curve, and limitations include restricted support for joined tables, limited number of concurrent sessions, processing mutable data, absence of full-fledged transactions, and the inability to modify or delete already inserted data with high rate and low latency.

Druid Pros and Cons

Druid excels in real-time analytics, scalability, and flexible data exploration. It achieves high performance in real-time analytics by facilitating sub-second queries on both streaming and batch data at scale. However, Druid has a complex setup, high resource consumption, and limited SQL support, which can present challenges for teams accustomed to traditional SQL databases.


In conclusion, ClickHouse and Druid are both powerful tools for big data analytics, each with its own strengths and considerations. ClickHouse excels in batch processing and real-time analytics, offering exceptional performance and scalability. Druid is also designed for real-time analytics, providing low-latency querying and efficient ingestion of streaming data.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do the ecosystems of ClickHouse and Druid compare?

Both ClickHouse and Druid have robust ecosystems, seamlessly integrating with a variety of tools and platforms such as Kafka and data processing platforms like Amazon Kinesis. Both databases provide a strong foundation for building data analytics workflows.

What are the deployment requirements for ClickHouse and Druid?

ClickHouse has more modest hardware requirements and flexible configuration options, while Druid requires specialized hardware and intricate deployment due to its distributed nature. Therefore, the deployment requirements for ClickHouse are less demanding compared to those of Druid.

What are the primary use cases of ClickHouse and Druid?

ClickHouse is mainly used for ad-hoc querying, data warehousing, and real-time analytics, while Druid is commonly utilized for exploring event-driven datasets. Both databases serve different purposes in analytical workloads.

