Open Source Licensing: A Comprehensive Guide

Data Engineer
Published in
9 min readJan 22, 2024

What’s at stake when you choose an open source license for your software project? This article demystifies open source licensing, providing clarity on how to freely and responsibly use, modify, and distribute software. Discover the key differences between permissive and copyleft licenses, the practical implications they carry, and how to pick the license that aligns with your project’s goals — without falling into legal traps.

Key Takeaways

  • Open source licenses are critical in regulating the use, modification, and distribution of software, striking a balance between freedom and protecting creators’ rights through common licenses like GPL, MIT, Apache, and Creative Commons.
  • Open source licenses can be categorized into permissive and copyleft, each with varying degrees of freedom and obligation to share modifications, affecting software supply chain and development trajectories.
  • Compliance with open source licenses requires careful management, including proper attribution, source code distribution for modifications, and avoiding legal pitfalls by regularly reviewing and adhering to licensing terms.

Exploring the World of Open Source Licenses

Contrary to what some may think, open source software is not an unregulated wild west scenario. Yes, it champions freedom, but not anarchy. Open source licenses govern this realm, ensuring a fair balance between liberty and responsibility. They regulate the usage, modification, and distribution of software code, including those floating freely in the public domain. Some common open source licenses include:

  • GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • MIT License
  • Apache License
  • Creative Commons License

These licenses provide guidelines and restrictions for how the software can be used, modified, and shared, ensuring that the principles of open source are upheld while still protecting the rights of the original creators.

These licenses subtly shape the software supply chain by affecting the selection and integration of open source components. These licenses control the alteration and dissemination of open source code, setting the rules for permissible modifications.

Access to open source code provides a way to troubleshoot issues and understand the software’s functionality, especially when documentation is lacking or incorrect.

See also: Break free from vendor lock-in with open source tech

The Spectrum of Open Source Software Licenses

As we navigate the labyrinth of open source licenses, we encounter two main categories: permissive and copyleft licenses. Each of them imparts distinct levels of freedom and restrictions, influencing the trajectory of software development. They are like the yin and yang of open source licensing, each with its unique ethos and philosophy.

Permissive licenses, akin to a kindly ruler, offer the liberty to alter and distribute software without the obligation to share changes. Conversely, copyleft licenses, reminiscent of a stern instructor, mandate that modifications and distributions are shared under an identical license. When creating software for network use, choosing the AGPL can have substantial benefits, guaranteeing a fair share of innovation profits.

Permissive Licenses Unveiled

Permissive licenses champion freedom in the world of open source licensing. They pave the way for innovation by offering more freedom for reuse, alteration, and distribution of code. Some examples of dominant permissive open source licenses, also known as permissive license, include:

  • Apache
  • MIT
  • BSD
  • Unlicensed

These licenses lead the charge in this field.

Among these, the BSD license stands out for its unique characteristics. It grants users the freedom to use, modify, and redistribute the software, provided they include the copyright notice and the license. Depending on the specific variant of the BSD license used, it may introduce additional stipulations or limitations pertaining to reuse and other terms.

The Apache license, on the other hand, allows for the distribution of derivative works, larger projects, or modifications under different licensing terms and includes a patent grant.

Understanding Copyleft Licenses

Copyleft licenses uphold equality within open source licensing. They require derivative works to adhere to the same licensing terms as the original software, nurturing an environment of collective innovation. The GPL license, a well-known copyleft license, is a prime example of this ethos, requiring that any derivative works are also licensed under the GPL.

The GPL license has evolved over time, with the GPL version 3 introducing notable enhancements. It brings:

  • A compatibility clause for blending different licenses
  • A digital rights management clause to safeguard users’ privacy
  • A patent clause to ensure equal protection for all users of patented code

The LGPL offers greater flexibility when integrating open source libraries with proprietary code. This distinction between dynamic and static linking underscores the weak copyleft nature of the LGPL license.

Key Features of Popular Open Source Licenses

The MIT License, GNU GPL, and Apache License take center stage in the realm of open source licensing. These licenses are the pillars of open source software, each with its unique approach to empowering developers and protecting the integrity of software development.

MIT License: Simplicity and Freedom

The MIT License is the embodiment of simplicity and freedom in the open source licensing world. It allows for nearly unrestricted use, even for commercial purposes, making it an attractive choice for developers. Its key features include:

  • Nearly unrestricted use, even for commercial purposes
  • Emphasis on simplicity and freedom
  • Promotes collaboration
  • Ensures accessibility and ease of comprehension

The MIT License’s freedom extends to include code in proprietary software. This freedom, coupled with its compatibility with numerous other open source licenses, makes it a popular choice for integrating MIT-licensed code in other open source projects that employ different licenses.

The Protective Nature of the GPL License

The GPL License is the vigilant guardian of original software. It mandates that derivative works adhere to the same license terms, ensuring that modifications to the original work are also freely shared and improved upon. The GPL License’s protective nature stems from its dedication to:

  • software freedom
  • knowledge sharing
  • collaboration
  • assurance that any modifications or derivative works are also licensed under the GPL.

This license has safeguarded various prominent software projects, such as the Linux kernel, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), and GNU Emacs. It has ensured that these projects benefit from the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software, promoting a culture of shared innovation.

Apache License: Flexibility with an Implicit Patent Grant

The Apache License strikes a balance between flexibility and protection. It provides users with the freedom to download, use, modify, distribute, and sell software that falls under the license. It encompasses a wide range of rights, including copyrights and patents, crucial for the distribution and utilization of open software.

The Apache License sets itself apart by incorporating a patent license from the software contributors. This patent grant shields users from patent disputes and ensures that contributions are free from hidden patent liabilities. This implicit patent grant offers users an extra layer of legal safeguard against claims of patent infringement.

An example of software that is distributed under the Apache license is Apache Kafka.

Navigating Licensing for Your Open Source Project

Choosing the appropriate open source license for your project is like selecting the right transport for your trip. It can significantly impact the potential audience or userbase for a project, with permissive licenses potentially attracting a larger audience due to fewer restrictions on usage and modifications.

Several pitfalls should be avoided when choosing an open source license. These include:

  • Opting for excessively restrictive licenses
  • Carelessly incorporating code without considering unwanted additional code
  • Selecting licenses that might unintentionally require the release of the entire product as open source

With the guidance of a legal expert, you can ensure that you comprehend and adhere to open source license regulations to avoid potential legal and financial repercussions.

Compliance and Management of Open Source Licenses

Examining open-source code provides assurance about the absence of violations, but often, open-source solutions may lack inherent compliance due to the associated costs of licensing and certification. Using ready-made open source solutions does not guarantee they meet standards and certifications. Closed source solutions also do not guarantee the absence of vulnerabilities and compliance with requirements. Having certificates is not an absolute guarantee of quality.

Therefore, using solutions based on open source code products that have undergone additional certification and licensing is the most optimal choice.

Leveraging Open Source Without Legal Pitfalls

Utilizing open source software without encountering legal issues requires careful management. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Review and approve use requests
  2. Track the use of open-source software
  3. Maintain accurate records
  4. Involve legal and developer organizations
  5. Identify all source code
  6. Establish a recurring scanning model
  7. Verify compliance on a case-by-case basis
  8. Verify licenses

By following these steps, you can ensure that you are using open source software in a legal and compliant manner.

Legal challenges to consider when using open source software include the potential impact on proprietary software, which may necessitate making the source code available to the public. Ensuring proper credit is given and license information is provided when utilizing open source software in your projects can avert potential legal pitfalls.

Implementing a clearly articulated and enforced open source software policy can effectively aid in managing these risks.

The Impact of Open Source Licensing on Software Development

Open source licensing quietly shapes the terrain of software development. It:

  • Enables developers to contribute to open-source projects, encouraging collaboration and software innovation
  • Offers incentives for developers to devise new ideas and strategies
  • Significantly affects companies’ choice of business models, influencing their monetization and collaboration methods.

By providing access to a wide array of open-source software libraries, open source licensing speeds up software development. It also facilitates more comprehensive development by improving license management, thereby ensuring adherence to regulations and mitigating legal risks that could impede progress.

A selection of OSS stack for working with Big Data

Let’s get to the practical side and start by picking up the OSS data stack. This guide does not pretend to be an exhaustive enumeration of all existing tools, but some industry standards are shown here to give an overall picture in the form of a data pipeline.

This pipeline shows that big data requires a variety of classes of programs, technologies and techniques. And the main challenge becomes linking all the tools into a single chain, which requires a platform solution. At the same time, you should be able to choose the Open-Source tools that best suit you at a particular point in the data pipeline. For example, one project requires real-time streaming and you may need Kafka or ClickHouse, while another requires batch uploading; one team may be comfortable orchestrating tasks with Airflow, while others prefer Dagster, etc.

Another important point is that the capabilities of data scientists are enhanced with this approach. This is mainly due to the use of additional tools.


We’ve traversed the intricate realm of open source licensing, uncovering its role in safeguarding software development, fostering collaboration, and promoting innovation. The journey unveiled the unique characteristics of permissive and copyleft licenses, guiding us through the key features of the MIT, GPL, and Apache licenses. We learned how to select the right license for our open source project, ensure compliance with open source licenses, and leverage open source software without falling into legal pitfalls. Finally, we reflected on the profound impact of open source licensing on software development. Thus, we realize that open source licensing is not just about rules and regulations; it’s about fostering a culture of shared innovation and collaboration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are open source licenses legal?

Yes, open source licenses are legal as they grant users the legal right to modify the software. Make sure to understand the specific terms of the open-source license before using the software.

What is the most popular open source license?

The most popular open source license is the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). It is a copyleft license, providing developers the freedom to modify and distribute a program as free software.

What is the difference between open source and free license?

The main difference between open source and free licenses is that open source focuses on the availability of the source code and the ability to modify and share it, while free licenses focus on the user’s freedom to use, modify, and share the program.

What are open source licenses and their purpose?

Open source licenses are regulatory frameworks that safeguard the interests of both creators and users of software by dictating the terms under which software code can be used, modified, or distributed. They serve as guidelines for the use and distribution of open source software.

What are the key features of the MIT, GPL, and Apache licenses?

The key features of the MIT, GPL, and Apache licenses are simplicity and unrestricted use for MIT, protection for the original software and requirement for derivative works to maintain the same license terms for GPL, and flexibility in software use and distribution with an implicit patent grant for added protection for Apache.

