Webinar: A ClickHouse Bootcamp in 30 minutes: Tips & tricks to optimize your data from industry experts

Mark Datamore
2 min readMay 5, 2023


We are excited to invite you to an exclusive Bootcamp on Enhancing Your Analytics with ClickHouse: Tips & tricks to optimize your data from DoubleCloud industry experts.

As you know, ClickHouse is a high-performance analytics database that can help you gain valuable insights and stay ahead of the competition. DoubleCloud provides a managed open-source ClickHouse, with automated backups, monitoring, security, hybrid storage, sharding and replication.

You can deploy ClickHouse in your own AWS account, use VPC peering, as well as our Transfer tool to replicate databases to and from ClickHouse, and serverless no-code Visualization that natively reads data from ClickHouse.

Our team has 7 years of experience with ClickHouse in-production, so we decided to organize a first bootcamp to share the best best practices using ClickHouse, including optimizing it performance and reducing costs.

We will also discuss common mistakes to avoid when using this powerful tool. Some examples of the topics:

  • Clickhouse best practices for Table Structures: Order By, Access Patterns, Compression, Projections or Materialized Views (MVs)
  • We’ll explore whether or not sharding is the right choice for your ClickHouse implementation, and provide tips and tricks for how to effectively denormalize your data for faster processing.
  • ‘How to JOIN? ’ Denormalize, work with Dictionaries and how to incorporate a second table into a nested field within a Materialized View.
  • Finally, we’ll touch on the benefits of using Clickhouse with DoubleCloud Transfer and explore how visualization can be a crucial element in building cost and performance-efficient data stores and customer/partner facing analytics.

This webinar will be interesting for anyone who’s working or will be working with ClickHouse. Register Now

