What is Apache Kafka Used For? Real-World Applications and Scenarios

Data Engineer
Published in
12 min readFeb 1, 2024

Apache Kafka orchestrates real-time data flow across different systems, making it essential for applications that demand immediacy like transaction monitoring, event tracking, and messaging. If you’re querying ‘what is Kafka used for,’ you’re looking at a tool widely adopted for scenarios where speed and reliability in data processing are paramount. This article takes you through diverse Kafka use cases, its advantages in handling massive data volumes, and its essential role in the tech stacks of leading companies.

Key Takeaways

  • Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform used for high-throughput, real-time data pipelines, initially developed at LinkedIn, now widely adopted across various industries due to its scalability, performance, fault-tolerance, and flexibility.
  • Kafka’s real-world applications span e-commerce for inventory and recommendation systems, financial services for fraud detection and real-time decision-making, IoT for device data analytics and alerting, telecommunications for data integration and network analytics, and social media for personalized content delivery.
  • While Kafka offers benefits such as scalability and fault tolerance, it has limitations including suboptimal performance for small datasets, challenges with complex transformations, and not being a replacement for databases with traditional features like indexing and transaction support.

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that facilitates the creation of real-time event data pipelines and streaming applications using a publish subscribe model. It operates as a distributed system across a cluster of servers, known as Kafka brokers, which manage the process of writing new events to partitions and handle read requests on existing partitions.

Kafka’s key features include:

  • Ability to handle large data volumes
  • Adaptability in data processing
  • Fault tolerance
  • Impressive performance metrics

These features make Kafka a prime choice for managing real-time data streams.

The journey of Kafka:

  • It began at LinkedIn, where it was originally developed to manage high-throughput and low-latency data feeds.
  • Recognizing its potential, the Apache Software Foundation adopted it in 2011.
  • Since then, it has gained immense popularity due to its ability to handle high data volumes and offer a unified platform for real-time data management.

Kafka Use Cases: Exploring Real-World Applications

The versatility and robustness of Apache Kafka have led to its widespread adoption across various industries. From e-commerce and retail to financial services and social media, organizations leverage Kafka’s unique capabilities to address their real-time data processing needs. Furthermore, Kafka’s distributed data consumption capabilities make it an ideal solution for managing massive volumes of data flowing in from multiple sources, catering to the requirements of multiple consumers.

Next, we’ll investigate specific applications of Apache Kafka in various sectors. We will explore how these industries harness the power of real-time data processing to enhance their operations and create value for their customers.

E-commerce and Retail

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce and retail, real-time data processing is critical. Apache Kafka acts as a powerful enabler of real-time data streams for diverse applications such as:

  • Omnichannel customer experiences
  • Inventory management
  • Product recommendations
  • Managing customer interactions
  • Ensuring prompt responses to customer actions
  • Providing robust inventory management solutions

Beyond interactions and inventory management, Kafka also impacts product recommendations by:

  • Offering real-time analysis of data pertaining to inventory and customer behavior
  • Leading to personalized recommendations
  • Enhancing shopping experiences by maintaining the timeliness and relevance of product suggestions.

Financial Services

Financial services have always been at the forefront of leveraging advanced technologies. Apache Kafka holds a key position in this sector, enabling real-time data and event streaming, which is essential for expediting results and decision-making in financial institutions. Kafka also assists in fraud detection in the banking sector by enabling real-time data streaming and processing. This allows banks to analyze transactions as they occur and identify potential fraud in real-time.

Beyond fraud detection, Kafka strengthens decision-making in financial services by enabling real-time event streaming and data processing. Quick results and timely responses are critical in the fast-paced world of finance, and Kafka’s capabilities in these areas make it an ideal choice for financial institutions.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a vast network of interconnected devices that generate a massive volume of data. Apache Kafka comes into play here, serving as a bridge between IoT devices and the analytics platform, ensuring smooth data ingestion, real-time processing, and scalability for managing large volumes of data points. It facilitates real-time analytics on IoT data streams, enabling intricate analytic queries, and delivering immediate insights.

IoT applications that utilize Apache Kafka include:

  • The development of comprehensive motion detection and alerting systems
  • The development of various IoT projects
  • The implementation of cybersecurity solutions that necessitate situational awareness, threat intelligence, and forensic analysis

These examples highlight the versatility and scalability of Kafka in handling the complex data requirements of IoT applications.


Telecommunications is another industry significantly influenced by Apache Kafka. It facilitates:

  • Event-driven data and event streaming
  • Proactive monitoring
  • Real-time data processing
  • Data integration

All of these are essential for real-time analysis, log aggregation, and operational monitoring data. Kafka also aids in the optimization of call logs and the analysis of network usage data by leveraging its robust event streaming platform and user activity tracking pipeline monitoring capabilities.

The benefits that Apache Kafka offers to telecommunications companies are numerous. From the ability to implement a streaming data architecture to managing large volumes of data and enabling decoupled communication, Kafka is revolutionizing the way telecommunications companies handle their data.

Social Media and Content Recommendations

Social media platforms are another noteworthy area where Apache Kafka is making significant strides. It plays a vital function in content recommendations on these platforms by facilitating:

  • large-scale and real-time content personalization
  • Kafka’s sturdy and expandable platform for precise real-time data processing and analytics
  • delivering timely and relevant content and promotions
  • creating a more engaging and personalized experience for users.

Furthermore, Apache Kafka enables real-time data analysis for user interactions on social platforms by effectively managing high-velocity data streams. This results in more dynamic content delivery and enables immediate adjustments to recommendations and advertisements based on user engagement.

Key Benefits of Using Kafka

The wide adoption of Apache Kafka across various industries is due to the several key benefits it offers. One of the primary advantages of Kafka is its scalability. Due to its design, Kafka allows for horizontal scaling by adding more brokers to the cluster. This enables the system to achieve high throughput, fault tolerance, and resilience to failures. Kafka also guarantees fault tolerance and durability in data processing by replicating partition data and utilizing offsets.

Kafka’s flexibility in real-time data processing is another standout feature. It supports the reduction of latency, utilizes a decoupled architecture, and integrates with other stream processing frameworks, making it a versatile solution for various use cases. Moreover, Kafka’s speed in data processing is notable. With support for high-throughput and a highly distributed, fault-tolerant platform with low-latency delivery of messages, Kafka is specifically designed to handle high throughput, low latency, and large volumes of data.

Scalability and Performance

Apache Kafka’s scalability and performance are among its most impressive attributes. Its architectural design allows for:

  • Horizontal scaling by adding additional brokers to the cluster, enabling concurrent processing of data
  • High throughput, fault tolerance, and resilience to failures
  • Handling substantial volumes of data

These capabilities make Kafka a powerful tool to process data, including raw input data, and for data processing.

When it comes to performance metrics, Kafka stands out with its high message throughput, broker resource utilization, consumer lag, latency, and rate of requests from producers, consumers, and followers. Furthermore, Apache Kafka has been benchmarked and found capable of processing 2 million writes per second, with a throughput of 821,557 records per second (78.3 MB/sec).

Fault Tolerance and Durability

Kafka’s fault tolerance is ensured by:

  • Replicating each partition across multiple servers, referred to as replicas
  • This is accomplished through replica sets within the Kafka cluster
  • Can be configured at the Topic level
  • This replication mechanism ensures data durability and uniform data processing, even in the face of server failures.

Kafka’s fault tolerance extends beyond just data replication. It is engineered to be resilient and maintain uninterrupted operation without reliance on a single point of failure. In the event of a broker failure, the remaining brokers can seamlessly assume control to ensure continuous operation. This resilience has been demonstrated in various scenarios, including:

  • managing malformed events
  • defects in producers
  • broker failures
  • disk failures

All of these scenarios can be handled with offline processing, ensuring no disruption to the service.

Flexibility and Integration

Flexibility and integration are other key strengths of Apache Kafka. Its distributed streaming platform establishes a central cluster of events and enables applications to process and consume data in a versatile manner. Kafka’s compatibility with various data systems contributes to its versatility across different sectors.

Kafka establishes connections with various data sources, including cloud data warehouses (e.g., BigQuery, Snowflake), relational databases (e.g., Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, ClickHouse), and other external systems. This enables a seamless data flow and integration, supporting comprehensive analytics and ETL processes. Practical scenarios highlight this flexibility, with Kafka replacing traditional message brokers, providing enhanced throughput, built-in partitioning, replication, and fault tolerance.


Speed is one of the defining features of Apache Kafka. It achieves efficient data processing through its distributed architecture, efficient partitioning, and optimizations for both write and read operations, leading to low-latency processing. Apache Kafka’s processing speed, when handling data, is quite impressive, with the capability of processing 2 million writes per second, and a throughput of 821,557 records per second (78.3 MB/sec).

Apache Kafka’s speed makes it highly suitable for real-time analytics and decision-making. Its low-latency processing, fault tolerance, and robust data architecture for real-time analytics are key features that make Kafka an ideal choice for organizations seeking to gain near real-time insights.

Limitations and Considerations

Despite the numerous benefits Apache Kafka offers, understanding its limitations is also crucial. Some limitations of Kafka include:

  • Not ideal for small data sets due to the overheads associated with its distributed system
  • Challenging to handle complex message transformations
  • Not a suitable replacement for databases due to the absence of typical database features such as indexes and transaction support.

Despite these limitations, Apache Kafka remains a powerful tool for real-time data processing. However, organizations must carefully consider these factors and ensure that Kafka aligns with their specific use cases and requirements before implementing it.

Not Ideal for Small Data Sets

Apache Kafka is purposefully designed to handle vast amounts of data, which makes it less appropriate for small data sets. In environments with smaller data sets, issues such as ‘Too many open files’ or ‘Out of memory’ exceptions may arise due to the system’s overhead. There’s no specific definition of a small data set for Apache Kafka, as the appropriate size is contingent upon factors such as throughput, partitioning, and resource allocation.

For smaller data sets, alternatives like:

  • KubeMQ
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Amazon MQ
  • RabbitMQ
  • Red Hat AMQ

might be more suitable. These systems may be more suitable for environments with lower data volumes, as they efficiently store data.

Complex Message Transformations

Complex message transformations in Apache Kafka involve executing a series of interconnected transformations on messages as they pass through Kafka Connect. While Kafka is capable of handling simple transformations, it is less suitable for complex message transformations due to its lack of design for heavy ETL operations with high transformation complexity.

For intricate ETL transformations, alternatives like Spark Streaming might be a better choice. Spark Streaming is conducive for intricate ETL transformations on real-time data streams by using familiar Spark APIs, offering more advanced capabilities for data transformation compared to Apache Kafka.

Not a Database Replacement

While Apache Kafka is a formidable tool for real-time data streaming, it’s not intended to supplant traditional databases. It lacks typical database features such as long-term data storage and scalability for handling complex concurrency. Using Kafka as a database can result in significant challenges and is not advisable.

The absence of indexes and transactions in Kafka hinders its ability to efficiently query and retrieve specific data based on indexes. It also results in a lack of transactional guarantees for data consistency and atomicity. Therefore, while Kafka can be used in conjunction with databases for specific use cases, it should not be considered as a replacement for traditional databases.

Who Uses Kafka?

Renowned companies from diverse industries employ Apache Kafka’s capabilities to meet their data processing demands. Industry giants such as LinkedIn, Yahoo, and Twitter are some of the notable users of Apache Kafka, utilizing it to manage large volumes of real-time data.

Other notable companies such as Uber and Netflix also rely heavily on Kafka. Uber, for instance, uses Kafka to handle trillions of messages and manage multiple petabytes of data daily, representing one of the most extensive implementations of Kafka. Netflix, on the other hand, uses Kafka as the established standard to fulfill their requirements for eventing, messaging, and stream processing.

These examples showcase the versatility and robustness of Kafka in serving various industries and diverse use cases.

How DoubleCloud help with Managing Apache Kafka?

Given its complexity and the vast volumes of data it manages, overseeing Apache Kafka can be a daunting task. That’s where DoubleCloud comes in with Managed Service for Apache Kafka®. DoubleCloud streamlines the construction of real-time analytics pipelines with Kafka by overseeing setup, configuration, and cluster management. It reduces the time and effort involved in building and deploying pipelines by utilizing Kafka’s capability to establish real-time data pipelines and fault-tolerant storage systems.

You can deploy Managed Apache Kafka in your AWS or Google Cloud account through DoubleCloud. This allows Kafka to run fully within your cloud environment, so you maintain control and security of your data. At the same time, DoubleCloud handles the operational management of the Kafka clusters and infrastructure. This removes the burden of managing Kafka yourself, while still keeping your data private within your own cloud account.

DoubleCloud ensures the utmost availability and dependability of their managed Apache Kafka services. Their expertise in Kafka management offers businesses the confidence to focus on their core operations, knowing that their real-time data processing needs are in capable hands.


In conclusion, Apache Kafka is a powerful distributed streaming platform that is revolutionizing the way organizations handle real-time data. Its extensive use cases across various industries, along with its key benefits of scalability, fault tolerance, flexibility, and speed, make it a popular choice for real-time data processing. Despite some limitations, Kafka’s unique capabilities and the value it brings to businesses cannot be understated. As we progress further into the era of big data, tools like Apache Kafka will continue to play an increasingly important role in helping businesses harness the power of real-time data.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the basic use of Kafka?

Kafka is primarily used for operational monitoring data, aggregating statistics from distributed applications to produce centralized feeds of operational data. It is also used to handle large volumes of data in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner, making it suitable for real-time analytics, data ingestion, and event-driven architectures.

What is the main advantage of Kafka?

The main advantage of Kafka is its fault tolerance, which allows it to be resistant to node/machine failure within a cluster and ensures the persistence and replication of data/messages. This makes Kafka a reliable choice for data handling.

What problem does Kafka solve?

Kafka solves the problems related to distributed computing by handling node failures, replication, and data integrity, making it a central log that serves as a source of truth for other services. It also abstracts away file details, providing a cleaner abstraction of log or event data for lower-latency processing and support for multiple data sources and distributed data consumption.

Are there any limitations to using Apache Kafka?

Yes, Apache Kafka has limitations such as being less suited for small data sets, difficulty in handling complex message transformations, and lacking typical database features like indexes and transaction support. Therefore, it may not be the best choice for all use cases.

Are there any prominent companies that use Apache Kafka?

Yes, companies such as LinkedIn, Yahoo, Twitter, Uber, and Netflix are prominent users of Apache Kafka across various industries. Consider exploring how they implement it to benefit your own needs.

