Yango Deli Tech Launches Real-time Partner Analytics With Minimal Time-to-market

Mark Datamore



  • Launching all their partner-facing analytics MVP only took a week
  • Partner reports are now updated in real-time, not just once a day, as it used to be
  • Minimum entry threshold without specialized knowledge and expertise

“We are able to create a working MVP, and provide partners with commercial analytics for operational activities within a week. It was wow!”

Victor Shvedov,

Product Architecture Solution, Yango Deli Tech

About Yango Deli Tech:

Yango Deli Tech is a global IT company that provides its own technologies and expertise in the field of ecommerce and retail trade of goods and services.

The company develops a universal set of tools that helps traditional retailers and online marketplaces to transition from a brick-and-mortar business model to online commerce with significant improvements in delivery processes. The product includes technological solutions for order fulfillment, delivery, and analytics that set a standard for retailers in the timely and complete delivery of goods.

Before DoubleCloud:

Yango Deli’s built-in analytics in their product addressed operational tasks for warehouse management but their working solution had several drawbacks:

  • Data was updated with a time delay since the pipeline had been designed for batch processing once a day, whilst partners needed real-time updates. Replication of data in real-time was necessary for making quality operational decisions.
  • Partners couldn’t analyze aggregated data across all their warehouses. They had to look at separate reports for each.

Yango Deli management had a need for transparency because ambitious goals were set before the team. To achieve this, it was necessary to create internal commercial reporting with operational metrics based on aggregated data from all partners.

The speed of launching analytics was a key factor as there were difficulties because the existing ETL process was lengthy with no possibility to quickly pull something new from the backend, taking a couple of weeks to start displaying it on the dashboard.

The Challenge:

It was necessary to quickly assemble an MVP version of cloud analytics that visualized real-time data for all partner stores.The finished solution had to be fast and scalable in terms of adding new data sources, dashboards, and reports. They also took into account Victor Shvedov’s desire: the solution should allow reports and dashboards to be embedded in the partner and product portal interface.

Alexandra, Analytics Product Manager: “Alternative solution options included classic architectures DWH + BI-solutions from the Gartner quadrant. However, Yango Deli was deterred by the lengthy process of product licensing, dependence on the infrastructure team to deploy the technology stack and the complexity of agreeing on a solution architecture that wasn’t based on open-source tech.”

For Yango Deli, analytics is part of their partner’s basic needs, but it was also essential to have their own BI to track the launch of new partners, configure data pipelines from various sources without additional development and waiting. With the introduction of comprehensive analytics, Yango Deli gained a huge advantage for its e-grocery SaaS product amongst industry solutions.

The Solution:

When the final decision was made, the CH cluster was set up on AWS S3, and accesses were configured.
The next step was to implement data transfer from the WMS and ERP back-end, as well as develop reports and dashboards in DoubleCloud Visualization Tool, where partners and the team can get information about all their stores.

For internal analytics, reports were created with basic commercial and operational metrics based on which Yango Deli could adjust their business model and look for insights to improve efficiency, profitability, and optimization.

The current architectural solution looks like this:

In the future, Yango Deli plans to improve the data stack: for example, very soon they plan to organize data streaming in their partners’ DWH so they can develop their business analytics.

The solution based on DoubleCloud turned out to be 20% cheaper than the previous one, although cost was not the deciding factor in starting the project to implement a new data platform for reports.

Alexandra, Analytics Product Manager: “The key selection criteria for me and my team were simplicity, speed, and vendor lock-in avoidance.”

