2020 and the Eighth Generation in Review

Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2020

It’s been a strange, strange year, but here’s our look at the best 2020 (and the eighth console generation) had to offer!

2020 has felt like something straight out of a film or a video game. We’ve sat here and watched as a virus has shut the entire world down, a democratically elected world leader challenge the very system that brought him to power, an entire population take a stand against the disgraceful mistreatment that’s been seen as the norm for far, far too long, a YouTuber knocking out an NBA player in a sanctioned boxing match… and that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

The video games industry has had a crazy year in its own right, with changed living and working conditions overshadowing the start of a new era. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S have been in (some of) our lives for just about a month now, and they’ve brought with them some drastic alterations to the way we game — certainly to be expected after seven years of innovation, but still well and truly worth noting.

We’re coming to the end of one of the most challenging years in recent memory, and so it’s time for us to reflect: not only on the year that was, but on the generation that came to an end along with it.

Doublejump is beyond excited to present the year 2020 — and the eighth generation of gaming — in review!

Staff Picks:

Just as they were last year, each member of the Doublejump team has been given their own platform to discuss their favourite (and least favourite) things to come out of the games industry this year. Here, you’ll find links to each of those articles as they come out!

First entry coming soon.


Given that this year also marked the end of the eighth console generation, and November was exam period for a lot of us, we’ve also decided to take this time to reflect on the generation that was with a series of “best of” compilations:

First entry coming soon.

We’re planning to start bringing the content out this week, with a steady flow of articles releasing between now and the end of January 2021. Be sure to keep an eye on Doublejump to see what we’ve all enjoyed, what we’re all looking forward to and what we all thought about the generation gone by!

This article was originally published on Doublejump. If you enjoyed what you’ve read, you can support the site further by following us on social media, becoming a Patron, and/or purchasing some merchandise!

Originally published at Doublejump.

