Doubler Sepolia V2 online

Published in
6 min readSep 18, 2023


🎉🎉We are happy to announce that Doubler will launch Doubler Sepolia V2 on September 19th. Doubler Sepolia V1 will continue to operate but will immediately cease its DBR production.

This significant Testnet upgrade marks a crucial milestone on Doubler’s path to the mainnet, and we can’t wait for you to join us.

In this announcement, we will share details about the updated Testnet features, more important information, and address the most common Testnet-related questions from the community.”

📚What is Doubler Testnet, and How Long Will the Testnet Run?

The primary purpose of Doubler Testnet is to validate the feasibility of product mechanisms, collect technical performance data, proactively eliminate potential issues and risks, all to ensure a smooth mainnet launch.

We have completed the first phase of the Testnet and identified some issues related to product and mechanism rationality. In order to ensure a successful launch of Doubler on the mainnet, we have optimized and upgraded aspects with concerns in the V1 version, and initiated the V2 Testnet.

If the results of the V2 Testnet prove to be more refined and reasonable, we will be ready for a mainnet launch at any time 🚀.

Quick Recap

Since the launch of Doubler V1 Testnet, we’ve taken the first steps toward exploring the practical application of the Martingale .

📊Let’s take a quick look at our statistics 📊:

👉Pools: 60K+

👉Testers: 40K+

👉Discord Members: 60K+

👉Twitter Followers: 30K+

But we’re just getting started, and more are joining every day. Let’s start by sharing more about the exciting changes brought by the Doubler V2 Testnet upgrade.👇👇👇

📚What’s New in V2 Testnet?

Page Section

  • Removed the display of Top 3 pools’ popularity in the “Pool Market,” as popularity is now shown in the POOL list.
  • Added a filter for “Boost” pools, allowing users to filter all pools that are in a “Boost” state.
  • Added a Pool status filter that allows users to filter pools for a specific coin when selecting, limited to pools in the “ON” status..

Mechanics Section

  • Added the parameter “Last Layer Reward” (0%~10%). Users can now set this parameter when creating a pool.

💡The main purpose of setting “Last Layer Reward” is to provide the most basic earnings for users entering the last layer. This portion of the reward comes from increasing the overall Profit Price of the pool and is distributed as a reward for increasing the additional income generated by raising the Profit Price.

For example, consider the #38577 Pool, which is a DETH pool in the V1 version. It has an Avg Price of 1600 USD, a total pool cost of 16000 USD, a total of 10 DETH in the pool, and a Profit Lock of 10%. In the V1 version, the Profit Price for this pool is 1760 USD.

In the V2 version, with all other conditions remaining the same, because the creator added a 1% “Last Layer Reward” parameter when creating the pool, we need to increase the total cost for the last layer entering users by 1% when calculating the Profit Price. Let’s assume that only 1 user entered the last layer, contributing 1 DETH with a cost of 1550 USD. In the V2 version, the Profit Price will change to 1761.7 USD, calculated as follows: ((16000–1550)+(1550*1.01))/10*1.1.

In this example, the Profit Price increased by 1.7 USD due to the increase in the “Last Layer Reward” parameter. Both winning and non-winning users in the last layer will receive a reward worth 15.5 USD.

DBR Rewards Section🏆

  • Canceled the output part of “Instant Incentive” in behavior mining.
  • Added the “Last Layer Reward” incentive, where the DBR produced comes from the original “Instant Incentive” portion. 99% of the DBR produced in this part will be evenly distributed on a per-unit basis to the participants of the last layer.
  • Modified the calculation method for “END POOL” rewards. In the V2 version, users generating “END POOL” actions will receive a 1% reward based on the accumulated DBR quantity of the target pool.
  • Revised the Boost reward rules. In contrast to the V1 version where all pools could enjoy the Boost reward bonus, in the V2 version, only pools with TVL exceeding 1% of the total TVL of the Doubler protocol will be eligible for Boost reward bonuses. (During the testing period of V2, we may adjust the 1% parameter for more effective testing data.)

Honorable Doubler

During the testing process of V1, the community’s enthusiasm exceeded our expectations, and we are delighted that the “Doubler” identity system has garnered support from all users. Now, in this version, we are opening applications for “Honorable Doubler.” This identity group will ultimately be awarded to users who have made outstanding contributions to Doubler. Choose your area of expertise and apply now to become a member of “Honorable Doubler.”

  • Opening Date: September 18th
  • Open to: Everyone
  • Purpose: To select outstanding contributors and builders
  • Application Focus Areas: Content Creation, Graphic Design, Community Maintenance, Media Promotion, Business Development
  • Application Link:
  • Application Results: If you are not granted the status within 2 business days, it means your application has not been approved. You can refine or modify your materials and reapply.


👉“Honorable Doubler” will have the opportunity to advance to the “Ambassador” identity group. Specific details will be announced in future official announcements.

👉Inclusion in the approved applicant list does not guarantee a final spot as “Honorable Doubler.” The contribution assessment will primarily follow a final voting and elimination system. If it is found that a contributor’s value is extremely low during the process, Doubler reserves the right to revoke their status.

👉If you have previously received an invitation and are listed in the registration, you will automatically receive the identity grant. Effective immediately upon this announcement, the invitation system is discontinued, and any previously received invitations will expire and no longer be accepted.

👉“Honorable Doubler” is for significant contributors, and more benefits and rewards will be gradually introduced.🎁🎁🎁🎁

🚨Important Note

  • The DBR token contracts for both V1 and V2 versions are the same, so users do not need to take any action regarding the DBR tokens they have already received.
  • In V2, the V1 test tokens will be retained, and users do not need to claim them again. The Testnet rules will remain the same as in V1.
  • In Doubler’s testnet, the total reward token threshold for the roles of “Loyal Doubler,” “Honorable Doubler,” “Ambassador,” and Galxe Users is 4.5 million DBR.
  • Testnet mechanism parameters do not represent the actual parameters for the mainnet launch. We need to determine the mainnet parameters based on Sepolia Testnet and ITO (Initial Token Offering) activity data.
  • The exchange details for the testnet token DBR will be announced before the mainnet launch to ensure the fair distribution of testnet rewards within the community, facilitating a smoother launch of Doubler on the mainnet.

⚠️ Reminder: If you cheat or fail to comply with testnet rules in any way, you may miss out on rewards.

📚How to Quickly Join Doubler?

If you’re new to Doubler, you can participate quickly through our task activity. 🔥🔥For more information on testnet rules and tutorials, please check out Announcing: Doubler Rewards Testnet Online.

About Doubler

Doubler is an open financial strategy tool based on smart contracts that aims to optimize cryptocurrency asset investment strategies and minimize risks while pursuing rapid profitability. It utilizes the application of the martingale strategy, inspired by the financial market concept, and leverages market aggregation effects to execute its strategies, continually lowering the cost benchmark of the fund pool.









Doubler aims to establish an open investment protocol enabled by smart contracts.