Key Questions You Should Know About Doubler

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6 min readJul 17, 2023


You can find our official Q&A section on the official website . However, as Doubler is a new and emerging investment protocol that is closely related to your interests, we have selected some important questions to address and provide you with better insights into Doubler.

How does Doubler generate profits?

Doubler itself is a tool that does not generate value. When a protocol is initiated and a target profit ratio is set, the accumulated TVL (Total Value Locked) multiplied by the profit ratio generates returns after the profit phase of the protocol. This profit is derived from the increase in the value of the underlying assets in the market. The quantity of assets within the protocol remains unchanged, and the protocol’s profit is obtained from the market. Doubler simply redistributes the assets based on their value and the price at which each user enters the protocol, ensuring that the cash value of all users within the protocol is preserved at the asset level. The initiator and the final winner receive additional profits.

Why should I participate in Doubler?

When you hold cryptocurrency assets, you face the possibility of price increases or decreases.

By choosing Doubler, if the underlying assets start to decline after you enter the protocol, each time there is a certain percentage of decline, users with the same intention will enter the protocol. As the price of the underlying assets continues to decline, the strategy of doubling down allows the average asset price within the protocol to approach the limit price, without requiring additional investment. Once the market price of the underlying assets rebounds and reaches the target profit point of the protocol, all participants in the protocol will preserve the cash value, which may be much lower than your initial cost.

If the underlying assets rise to the target profit point after you join, you have a high probability of becoming the final winner and receiving significant profit rewards from the protocol. If you are the initiator of the protocol, you will not miss out on the profit either. In summary, by joining Doubler, you have the opportunity to preserve the cash value at the time of investment and gain significant profit rewards at a low cost (4‰ transaction fee and taxes on the 10% profit reward portion).

In addition to value preservation and returns within the protocol, you can also receive incentives in the form of governance token DBR.

How can I participate in Doubler?

Participating in Doubler can be done in two main ways: creating a protocol and joining a protocol.

If you are an ordinary investor, you can search for a protocol that meets your requirements and join it. If you are a Key Opinion Leader (KOL), you can create a new protocol. Whether you create or join a protocol, you will have the ability to preserve the cash value of your investment until the end of the protocol.

How do I know or set parameters that suit my needs?

The existing protocol parameters will be displayed in the Input interface, while the initiator needs to configure them in the Create interface. Here’s an overview of the parameters you need to understand:

  • Unit size: Determines the minimum investment amount for the protocol. A high value may deter individuals with smaller capital from participating.
  • Units: Determines your initial investment amount. A larger value exponentially increases the asset capacity of each layer, while a smaller value can lead to quick saturation, affecting protocol efficiency and Total Value Locked (TVL).
  • Double: Influences the speed of filling each layer. It represents the maximum filling multiple of each layer compared to the previous one. A value that is too high may make it challenging to fill each layer adequately.
  • Fall Rate: Determines the price point at which each layer starts. This parameter indicates the percentage drop in the market price of the underlying asset required to trigger the expansion of the next layer. A high value may delay expansion, while a low value can result in a higher average price of the underlying asset within the protocol.
  • Profit Lock: The numeric value determines the protocol’s earnings and the speed at which they are realized. A larger value may yield higher returns, but the speed of achieving those returns tends to be slower or may even become unattainable. Conversely, a smaller value may lead to an early end to profitability but with lower returns.
  • Share Rate: Represents the portion of the protocol’s income allocated to the final winners. If the ratio is too low, it may fail to incentivize new users to join the protocol, resulting in a low TVL and prolonged protocol duration.
  • The Final Winner: The number of final winners depends on this parameter. To increase the chances of participants becoming winners, it is advisable to join or configure a protocol with a higher value. However, setting the value too high may reduce the individual unit reward. If a substantial reward is desired, it is recommended to join or configure a protocol with a lower value for this parameter.

Can I exit Doubler at any time? How does this affect the protocol, and what are the associated costs?

You have the option to exit the Doubler protocol at any time, provided you are not part of the last layer. It is anticipated that users in the final layer will be unlikely to exit, as they have a higher probability of becoming the ultimate winners. Additionally, users in the higher layers are more efficient in generating DBR tokens.

When you exit the protocol, the current price of the underlying asset is lower than when you initially entered. Your exit will consequently lower the overall average price of the protocol, thereby facilitating profitability and termination.

During the exit process, you can only withdraw the quantity of the underlying asset you initially invested. Profits generated within your account cannot be withdrawn until the protocol concludes. Additionally, an exit fee of 4‰ will be charged. If you are the protocol initiator and wish to exit, you will not receive any earnings generated by the protocol.

Is there a possibility of losing my principal when participating in Doubler?

Rest assured regarding the security of the contract. Doubler’s core code is entirely open-source and has undergone a comprehensive audit conducted by CK, a reputable company.

How Can I Become the Ultimate Winner?

To achieve this, you need to rely on your market judgment. If you anticipate a price reversal in a particular asset, look for a protocol with a significant Total Value Locked (TVL) that you can join. By making the correct judgment, you have a high probability of becoming the ultimate winner and receiving substantial rewards.

However, if your judgment proves to be incorrect and the market continues to decline after joining the protocol, initiating the next round of expansion, you may still strive for the position of the ultimate winner by continuing to invest in Units. If you don’t have additional assets to invest, you can choose to redeem your original investment in cryptocurrencies and reinvest them. Keep in mind that the market fluctuations may cause a loss in the value of your assets, and you will also forfeit the earnings generated by the protocol. This decision requires careful consideration.

As a Protocol Creator, How Can I Maximize My Interests?

Set reasonable parameters, especially the Share Ratio. A higher profit-sharing ratio will incentivize more users to join.

Promote your protocol to increase its visibility. The more people who become aware of your protocol, the higher the chances of attracting participants.

Find ways to obtain a higher OFF (Founder and Discount) ratio. Being a Founder allows you to receive 40% of the protocol’s total fee and 40% of the rewards from the protocol’s income. When your protocol becomes profitable, the OFF can be directly deducted proportionally to offset taxes. If the TVL of your protocol is sufficiently high, the earnings from these two sources will be significant.




Doubler aims to establish an open investment protocol enabled by smart contracts.