Sybil Judging Rules

Doubler Foundation
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2024

📌This document will explain the ITO (Initial Testing Offering) plan from several aspects: Sybil judgment dimensions, data analysis rules, Sybil point calculation, Sybil scoring examples, and a summary. It is unrelated to the mainnet “Liquidity Airdrop” event.

To ensure DBR reaches every genuine user, we will not use any project’s Sybil list and will strictly adhere to the following criteria as Sybil judgment standards.

Sybil Judgment Dimensions

Sybil judgment is divided into two main dimensions: on-chain and off-chain, and five sub-dimensions. Any address detected as abnormal in the following sub-dimensions will be considered pre-processed data (pre-set). Similarity analysis of all pre-processed data will be conducted in the data analysis rules section, and Sybil points will be added to data with high similarity to form the final data set (set).

a.On-chain Data

  1. Batch transfers of Sepolia ETH will be considered as the same subset, and the data within this subset will be considered pre-processed data under condition a1(a1-pre-set)
  2. If the first transaction date and the last transaction date of an address, and the first and last contract interaction dates of each test version (V1, V2, V3, Blast-Version) are the same, they will be considered the same subset, and the data within this subset will be considered pre-processed data under condition a2 (a2-pre-set).
  3. Transferring a certain amount of testnet tokens and FR NFTs will be recognized as abnormal pre-processed addresses a3(a3-pre-set)
  4. If an address has an obviously unreasonable number of contract interactions based on transaction frequency and density, it will be recognized as an abnormal pre-processed address a4(a4-pre-set)

b.Off-chain Data

  1. If the Discord handle creation time and the time of joining the Discord channel of an address are the same, they will be considered the same subset, and the data within this subset will be considered pre-processed data under condition b1 (b1-pre-set).

Final Data Analysis Rules

a.On-chain Data

  1. Perform similarity analysis on the test token quantity, contract interaction times, and DBR balance within each pre-processed subset. Addresses with high similarity will be regarded as the same subset (a1-set, a2-set)
  2. In a3-pre-set, transferring more than the following amounts of test net tokens will be regarded as abnormal addresses (a3-set)

3. Manually review 96 data points with more than 1,000 contract interactions and ultimately identify addresses with more than 1,699 contract interactions as abnormal contract interactions (a4-set)

b.Off-chain Data

  1. Analyze the Discord handle roles, levels, and activity (number of speaking days, information quantity) within each subset in b1-pre-set. Addresses with high similarity will be regarded as the same subset (b1-set).

Sybil Point Calculation

For a1, a2, and b1, calculate scores for each dimension based on the number of addresses. If multiple dimensions match, the Sybil points will be accumulated.

  • Subset quantity <= 5: Sybil point +0
  • Subset quantity > 5 and <= 10: Sybil point +2
  • Subset quantity > 10 and <= 30: Sybil point +5
  • Subset quantity > 30: Sybil point +100
  • Abnormal address: Sybil point +100

Sybil Scoring Examples

  • If you only have less than 5 addresses and operate them independently, your contract interaction times and other data should be completely different from other addresses, resulting in 0 Sybil points
  • If you have 6–10 addresses, and they are included in the a1-set and a2-set, you will get 4 Sybil points
  • If you have 6–10 addresses, and they are included in the a1-set, a2-set, and b1-set, you will get 6 Sybil points
  • If you have 11–30 addresses, and they are included in the a1-set and a2-set, you will get 10 Sybil points
  • If you have 11–30 addresses, and they are included in the a1-set, a2-set, and b1-set, you will get 15 Sybil points
  • If your address has suspicious test net token transfers or unreasonable contract interaction times, and they are included in the a3-set/a4-set, your Sybil points will be greater than 100

🎭All addresses with more than 5 points will be considered Sybil.


A total of 109,407 addresses participated in this testnet ITO. Users generated 33,480,565 DBR on ETH Sepolia and 1,166,941 DBR on Blast Sepolia.

All rewards are limited to addresses with a Sybil point score of 5 or below, totaling 33,540 addresses.

  • ETH Sepolia dilution ratio: 6.14:1, issuing 1,952,513 DBR after dilution
  • Blast Sepolia dilution ratio: 1.167:1, issuing 394,009 DBR after dilution and bonuses
  • Galxe and loyal role rewards issued 1,775,878 DBR
  • 1,000,000 DBR reserved for the honorable role.

The total ITO issuance can reach 5,122,400 DBR, with 4,877,600 DBR remaining to be issued after Sybil deductions. The remaining portion will be fairly distributed in subsequent activities.

đź“šWhat is Doubler?

Doubler is a Defi tool, which is a “Buff” public product for crypto assets. The product is inspired by the concept of “martingale”, a traditional martingale strategy that requires a large amount of money to support the continuous growth of the betting amount. Doubler solves this problem by crowdfunding and incentivizing a portion of the profits.

InJanuary 2024, Doubler successfully closed its seed funding round, spearheaded by Youbi Capital. Notable contributors to this round include Bixin Ventures, Mask Network, Comma3 Ventures, Pivot Labs, Continue Capital, Sanyuan Capital, Waterdrip Capital, DWF Ventures, Gate Labs, Formless Capital, MT Capital, and CatcherVC.





