Return to Professional Deliberation, Reject Legislative Violence

Doublethink Lab
Doublethink Lab
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2024

Doublethink Lab is deeply saddened by the events in the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s parliament, on May 17th. The Legislative Yuan should be a place for professional discussion and policy-making, not a venue for violence. Following the Sunflower Movement a decade ago, Taiwanese citizens have high expectations for legislative transparency and fair deliberation. The KMT claims that it was attempting to block proposed legislative reforms that were behind the violence, but the package they are advancing with TPP support is controversial if not outrightly unconstitutional, as suggested by several legal scholars. Moreover, their intention was to pass the bill without even a pretense of debate, thus denying the public their democratic right to see transparent legislation discussed in good faith. The echoes of 2014 and previous attempts to blindside due process are frightening, and it was this that moved DPP legislators to attempt to prevent the Speaker, Han Kuo-yu, from taking his presiding seat.

We express our deep concern for our founding chairperson and current board member, Dr. Puma Shen, and other injured legislators. During the incident, Dr. Shen was pushed and fell from the podium, causing him to be hospitalized with a concussion. Such violent actions are unacceptable and should be condemned by all in a democratic society. While political parties may have strategic conflicts, physical confrontations should never escalate to life-threatening violence. Despite ideological differences, the public expects legislators to find compromise and resolve issues through dialogue.

Meanwhile, we have observed a surge of deliberately manipulated information spreading across major online platforms, including TikTok and Russian Telegram, with some suggesting that those who gathered outside the Legislative Yuan to protest the violence last Friday were extremists. Such manipulative messaging does not clarify facts but aims to stoke further division. We urge leaders and supporters of all parties to exercise restraint and avoid personal attacks. Citizens should engage with diverse viewpoints and sources of information, and be wary of emotionally charged misinformation and biased messages that seek to divide Taiwan.

Over the past four years, we have worked with other civil organizations and cross-party legislators to promote legislative transparency, striving for more open and participatory government decision-making. In collaboration with international organizations like the National Democratic Institute (NDI), we have shared experiences and best practices to advance the concept of an open parliament, making Taiwan a model for legislative transparency on the global stage.

Over the last three months, the wholesale effort by the KMT-TPP majority coalition to block the DPP-led executive’s national policy proposals, again without clause-by-clause review, undermines the efforts of civil society over the past four years, damages our democratic process, and reverses our parliament’s momentum towards greater inclusion, participation, and transparency.

We call on all parties in the Legislative Yuan to respect parliamentary procedures, resolve disputes through professional discussion and deliberation, and safeguard the core values of Taiwan’s democratic system. Only in this way can we ensure the lasting continuation of democratic principles in Taiwan, providing a more transparent and just environment for future generations.

Finally, we urge Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Kuo-yu to adhere to legislative rules, resume cross-party negotiations, conduct genuine clause-by-clause reviews, and unite all parties in ensuring transparent and fair procedures to meet the public’s expectations for parliamentary reform. We also call on newly inaugurated President Lai Ching-te to demonstrate the wisdom and leadership needed to unite Taiwan, promote parliamentary unity, and further advance Taiwan’s democracy.

Doublethink Lab
May 20, 2024



Doublethink Lab
Doublethink Lab

Doublethink Lab focuses on mapping the online information operation mechanisms as well as the surveillance technology exportation and digital authoritarianism.