Statement regarding political participation of our team members

Doublethink Lab
Doublethink Lab
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2023

Doublethink Lab

Dear partners, colleagues, and friends,

In light of the widespread attention garnered by the political participation of our team members, we would like to express our stance and thoughts on this matter formally.

Per Doublethink Lab’s policy, Dr. Puma Shen and Poyu Tseng have resigned from Doublethink Lab as chairperson and deputy CEO, respectively, as they both have decided to run in the upcoming election.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Chairperson, Dr. Puma Shen, for his selfless leadership over the past four years without any remuneration. Under his guidance, Doublethink Lab has made significant strides in information operations research, and both organizational and international development. His vital professional involvement was instrumental in our collaboration with over 200 global experts on China, leading to the creation of the first edition of the China Index and establishing an international community focused on China’s influence. Moreover, his contributions to our research reports on China’s information operation in recent Taiwanese elections have been invaluable.

Internally, Puma has played a pivotal role in nurturing a positive organizational culture and has been a part of our journey from a team of three to nearly twenty members today. Externally, he has not only extensively promoted our achievements but also demonstrated strong leadership and courage in facing various external challenges and attacks.

In addition to Puma, another long-term colleague has joined the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) this year as well. Our co-founder and former CEO, Poyu Tseng, accepted the DPP’s invitation to run as a legislative candidate in the New Taipei City Xindian District in May of this year.

Poyu has always been one of our most crucial colleagues. Her passion and experience from the Sunflower movement and political involvement played a key role in establishing and supporting our institution from its inception. Her mature leadership and research capabilities have been vital in leading our team in international collaborations and training overseas civic groups, constantly seeking solutions based on dialogue and integration to counter misinformation and political propaganda.

We sincerely appreciate the contributions of Puma and Poyu to Doublethink Lab and look forward to continuing our collaboration with them on new stages to safeguard Taiwan’s democracy jointly.

While we are sad to see our outstanding colleagues join political parties and run for parliamentary positions, we wholeheartedly wish them the best and offer our support. We acknowledge the DPP’s willingness to address issues such as China’s infiltration and information operations and to consider institutional defense mechanisms. We look forward to the next legislative session advancing Taiwan’s efforts against the expansion of global digital authoritarianism, information warfare, and in safeguarding democracy and freedom of speech.

However, as an independent non-profit organization, we know that our core members’ involvement in the upcoming election might raise questions and concerns for our organization. We adhere to the principle of political neutrality and remain independent of any political party.

  1. Since our establishment, we have never directly or indirectly collaborated with any political party, including the DPP, on specific projects. However, we have always maintained an open attitude towards promoting relevant policies and actions. We are willing to engage with politicians from all parties and provide expert analysis on China’s influence and information warfare. Based on this principle, we will not change our stance on maintaining independence and strengthening civil society.
  2. Regarding organizational adjustments, we have convened an interim board meeting, and Puma has verbally resigned as Chairperson, taking a leave of absence. Dr. Lennon Chang, our Managing Director, will act in his stead to ensure a smooth transition and election of a new Chairperson before Puma assumes his legislative duties.
  3. Concerning potential conflicts of interest, our funding is primarily from project grants applied to governments and non-governmental organizations in the United States and Europe. We have not accepted donations from the public or corporations with specific political affiliations. Funding from the Taiwan government has constituted about 5% of our annual budget, mainly supporting our international conferences and the promotion of physical communities. To avoid conflicts of interest, we will not apply for projects or grants from the Taiwan government while our board members serve in the parliament or as public officials in the following years.
  4. Starting early next year, we will implement a more proactive transparency policy. This includes regularly disclosing our organizational development and ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of our work and funding sources to further enhance our transparency. Additionally, we will establish clear guidelines for our staff’s interactions with parliamentary offices to ensure that these collaborations do not affect our independence and credibility. We also commit to more actively responding to challenges from all sectors of society and continue to seek public support and understanding.

As we step into a new phase, we welcome suggestions and advice from all our long-term partners and experts, and we look forward to continuing our efforts together.

Thank you!

Ttcat (Min Hsuan Wu)
Co-founder and CEO, Doublethink Lab



Doublethink Lab
Doublethink Lab

Doublethink Lab focuses on mapping the online information operation mechanisms as well as the surveillance technology exportation and digital authoritarianism.