Are You an Authentic Speaker?

Are you an authentic speaker? 10X Your Speaking Business with Douglas Vermeeren

Are you an authentic speaker? 10X Your Speaking Business with Douglas Vermeeren

Are you an authentic speaker? 10X Your Speaking Business with Douglas Vermeeren

How important is authenticity in public speaking? It didn’t used to be. What used to be important was delivering a “signature” speech and prepared and scripted power point . The information to be shared was the most important. Perhaps you’ve even heard the saying content is KING. Well, not any more.

The most important aspect a speaker can master in todays marketplace is connection and engagement.

Don’t believe me take a look at the social media world (which is a reflection of how conversations take place in real life and how brands are built today.) With the advent of the internet information has reached a point of oversaturation. We have more information and content than we could ever hope to consume in our lifetime. What people are seeking now is to receive that information from those who can show us how to use it in authentic and valuable ways.

In other words what we want is connection. We need to connect with the messenger and we need to see how the content connects to us. Which is also the job of the messenger.

Share your thoughts… Am I wrong?

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Douglas Vermeeren | Create Wealth Today
Douglas Vermeeren — Financial seminar speaker

Douglas Vermeeren is the financial seminar speaker and also the author of multiple books. In addition to being well known as an award winning comedian.