Douglas Vermeeren’s Mission is to 10X You

By Douglas Vermeeren, 10X Your Speaking business

The speaking business is my passion and my purpose. There are also many other speakers who feel the same. They have a brilliant and powerful message. They just need a little help sorting out the strategies and systems that will take them there. I provide those tools.

Douglas Vermeeren have been speaking for almost two decades now. I have produced three of the top ten personal development movies in the world today. I have shared the stage with all of the greats from Deepak Chopra to the cast of the Secret. I have sold from the stage closing at one event 100% of the room. I have top selling books, programs and materials. I have appeared on more TV and radio than nearly any speaker alive today. (With the exception of Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra and the late Wayne Dyer.) I don’t say these things to brag but to let you know I am a powerful resource for you.

I can help you grow your speaking business.

And most of the time I’m willing to do it for free.

Join us on our social media platforms where every day I share powerful ideas on how to grow your speaking business to higher levels in todays market. It is no longer 1980 and most speakers are still sharing what worked for them then. It doesn’t work now. You need cutting edge strategies that will lift you higher today, not yesterday. Come and check out my tools. I guarantee they will get you gigs, get you exposure, get you clients and make you money!

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Douglas Vermeeren | Create Wealth Today
Douglas Vermeeren — Financial seminar speaker

Douglas Vermeeren is the financial seminar speaker and also the author of multiple books. In addition to being well known as an award winning comedian.