Most Speakers Don’t Really Have a Business

Douglas Vermeeren — Most Speakers Don’t Really Have a Business

Douglas Vermeeren — Most Speakers Don’t Really Have a Business

The speaking and coaching industry is one of the fastest growing industries on the planet. But… that doesn’t mean it is the most prosperous for most involved. In fact, most speakers I’ve met over my decades as a speaker are broke. I have been to all kinds of events, speakers conferences, speakers associations (likes CAPS, NSA Global Speakers Federation etc.) and Yes, most speakers are broke. and why?
Simple. They don’t really have a business. The run from one speaking event to trying to find a gig at the next. In between they are lost and struggling. The reason why is they don’t have a business strucutre for their speaking business. most speakers confuse speaking with the business. The truth is you need to put both of these elements together. Speaking + Business = Speaking Business.
According to Douglas Vermeeren Some of the elements that most speakers are missing from their business include: Customer support, Customer management, Customer acquisition, Proper content development within the framework of a business structure, sales funnels, creating proper products, getting speaking gigs, Getting speaking gigs that build your brand and are profitable and so many other quesitons they jsut don’t know how to ask.
My challenge to you: Take some time and seriously look at your speaking business. What do you really have? What systems are actually supporting you? What are you missing? How can you level up? And what needs to happen in order for you to grow?

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Douglas Vermeeren | Create Wealth Today
Douglas Vermeeren — Financial seminar speaker

Douglas Vermeeren is the financial seminar speaker and also the author of multiple books. In addition to being well known as an award winning comedian.