Backyard Witchcraft

Dover Publications
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2022

Discover the Green Path and the Power of Natural Magic

Witchcraft has often been depicted in a negative light in pop culture, and at times in history, but there’s a positive aspect to witchcraft that leads to good witchery: a magical, spiritual path that connects to Mother Nature through the power of plants and the elements. Discover the hidden magical powers and sacred energies tied to the earth, plants, and nature by following the green path of Backyard Witchcraft.

Herbalist Cecilia Lattari guides readers to reclaim their inner witch by tuning in to the magic and sacred energies of their everyday lives; using the hidden powers of nature to foster positive connections between the mind, body, spirit, and living spaces. You’ll learn about the green path and how to connect to nature’s magic through the green witch, hedge witch, and kitchen witch. For the modern-day Wicca, backyard gardener, and naturalist, this indispensable guide offers an exploration of the intimate relationship between humans and plants.

Things typically found inside the pantry of the kitchen witch or the cupboard of the green witch or the shed of the hedge witch

Take a guided tour of herbs, flowers, plants, poisonous plants, potions, oils, teas, tinctures, and remedies, as well as kitchen magic and food preparation, and the healing arts. You’ll find out what’s in the cupboard of the green witch and how the senses are used to understand nature. Explore the pantry of the kitchen witch; the sacred space where the alchemy of herbs, spices, seeds, utensils, and recipes reside. The eclectic path of the hedge witch includes herbalism, healing, and shamanistic actions, along with a focus on the home.

Our homes are an extension of ourselves and therefore need purification to recharge, refresh, and maintain a vibrant flow of energy, which is key to our well-being. Learn the magical practices of purification using herbs, bells, candles, and incense. Get in touch with nature by preparing a sacred outdoor space and centering yourself. Learn to grow, harvest, and dry herbs and understand the difference between air, fire, land, and water plants. Observe how the four elements of air, earth, fire, and wind carry messages from nature through various types of plants.

Filled with colorful, compelling illustrations, Backyard Witchcraft offers a wealth of information to guide you through a fascinating journey embodying the green path. Reawaken the magic and sacred energy of your everyday life and set the stage for a harmonious transformation. Ultimately, everything learned here is already known. As Lattari points out, “All you have to do is remember.”

Order Backyard Witchcraft at or pre-order today on Amazon — set for release on September 14, 2022.

the backyard witch meditates to be in tune with her surroundings

