Building on Domo

Mike Schmidt
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2017

At Dovetale a big part of our mission is to help marketers with relevant, timely social data they can use to make decisions in their day to day. Over the last couple months, we’ve started to work with larger enterprise clients that have really helped us define the company we want to be. We came to learn that many of our larger clients and prospects rely on Domo to visualize and consolidate their company data across departments. Domo is a business intelligence platform that doesn’t really need an introduction, but when we saw their Appstore we knew we had to jump on the opportunity to build something special.

The Dovetale Connector

Think of a Domo connector as a communication method from our site to Domo. The Dovetale connector allows you to take important social data that is collected and analyzed on like the number of bots that follow your Instagram account or performance data on your influencer marketing campaigns and bring it into Domo. We’re seeing some remarkable use cases for our data being paired with existing data sets on Domo. One such example is the performance of influencer campaigns and the direct result of sales on e-commerce sites. Really, the possibilities are endless with this data and we’re starting to close the loop on how important it is to work with influencers on social media.

The Dovetale App

We really wanted to take the Dovetale experience one step further on Domo and it turns out that there are a lot of people that want fun interactive data apps :)

We worked closely with the amazing team at Domo to figure out how we can best position our app while also cornering a segment of the Domo community that cares deeply about social media data. Through a couple weeks of iteration we learned that a lot of existing Domo clients didn’t have a great competitive social analysis tool. The Dovetale application allows companies to compare themselves with their competitors across metrics they’ve never seen before.

Most, if not all apps on Domo are data visualizations, so we really wanted to build an experience around the data itself. Showing companies data like follower change and engagement isn’t new, but displaying gender, location and age data alongside time series data for accounts they don’t own is. Many of the companies we chat with don’t have a tool to study their biggest competitors and social data can reveal huge insights into their global strategies.

We’ve really enjoyed building on Domo and wanted to walk through some of the design decisions we’ve made throughout.

Dashboard Mode

When marketers open Dovetale on Domo we try to educate them by animating through the views automatically. There are 5 sections: followers, engagement, gender, location and age. As a by product, this is really helpful for displaying on external monitors and for teams trying to keep a day to day pulse on competitors or really any other account on social media.


When evaluating the design constraints on Domo, we decided to invent our own format for this app by building a pseudo-navigation, information section with tips, highlight key metrics, a data view and finally a tab structure navigation on the bottom. We tested a lot of the early interactions and found that marketers were more likely to engage with the data if they had tips or key metrics, so we felt like reading left to right this made the most sense. The tabs at the bottom navigate you around to the different views while also displaying metrics important to your main account — in this case @dovetale on Instagram. Other simple interactions like removing or adding accounts make it easy to compare side by side data that’s important.

Dark Mode & Themes

When we were designing the app we felt like the colors and data could use more contrast. Dark mode allows us to bring the colors to life and make everything more vibrant. Check it out!

Dark mode will automatically turn on after 8PM local time and you can also change your color theme!

If you want to learn more about Dovetale + Domo feel free to schedule a call with our sales team.

Lastly, thank you to the Domo team for your continued support!

