Ethereum deposit/withdrawal unavailable due to Berlin upgrade

Published in
Apr 15, 2021

Dear Dove Wallet Users,
On April 15th, 2021, Ethereum Berlin Upgrade will take place in a few hours. The Berlin Hardfork will lower the Ethereum transaction fee and is a prepartion for London Hardfork.

Dove Wallet will go under maintenance starting at UTC 8:00 AM and will take around 2 hours. During the maintenance, deposit/withdrawal of Ethereum won’t be available in Dove Wallet, so please make sure to deposit/withdraw before UTC 8:00 AM or transfer to other digital asset, if necessary.
If you are a Ethereum user or Ethereum holder, you do not need to do anything. We will let you know as soon as the maintenance is over.

If you want to know more about the Ethereum Berlin Upgrade check the article from the official Ethereum Foundation Blog below;

Thank you.




Dove Wallet rebranded under the name “BTX”.