Watch This First — A $DOWN DYOR



$DOWN Vault Token — Explainer

We know.
“Uhh… what?”
“But… why?”

Okay, this time no jokes, and no obscure story arcs. Just the deep dive, in layman’s terms, to explain why $DOWN Vault token may be the missing piece of the social token format.

Conceptually, the core concept of creating your own token; mind you that represents YOU, your time, your knowledge, your skillset is ultra sound. Whatever you decide that you want to receive/accept that token as payment for, you have the option to require, prefer or even incentivize the use of, and therefore the market validity, of that token.

As an aside, it’s worth mentioning that the overall vision for $DOWN isn’t simply to circulate and succeed as a social token associated with a creator; the long-term goal of the experiment is to become the PoC, and jumping off point, to provide a next-generation platform that will empower our fellow creators to customize, fine-tune, and deploy tokens adhering to the “down standard”, from a community driven platform that additionally provides a launchpad and incubator program.

From our experience, the current social token issuance platforms provide little, if anything, beyond the deployment process, and a variety of tools. For most creators/communities that are tentative of releasing a token; the primary deterrent is the lack of knowledge surrounding liquidity management, tokenomics, DeFi strategies, etc. The hypothesis is that by organically building a community around the shared goal of improving the industry standards relating to social tokens, the community’s growth will happen in correlation to the growth of the communities ability to incubate newly launched tokens by educating their issuing parties on the nuances of the cryptocurrency and token management, and by providing initial liquidity support, using DOWN as the paired asset and our own social-token focused dex.

DOWN, in addition to being the social token for the cryptoartist and entrepreneur bruce the goose, is a decentralized and optimally secure digital asset index. To issue the token (designed with the intention of addressing the perceived vulnerabilities or shortcomings plaguing so many creator or community centric tokens; ) standard ERC20 mint&print was replaced with the fractionalization of an NFT. The immediate result is a token that serves as a direct derivative share of the NFT. In the particular case of $DOWN, the underlying NFT is an Emblem Finance Vault; which was deployed for just this purpose.

What this results in, is an un-ruggable, endlessly expandable digital asset and NFT portfolio. This is because Emblem Finance vaults are essentially on-chain, multi-coin wallets, housed within an NFT. Upon their creation, a pub/priv key pair is generated and the priv key is encrypted and concealed, only allowing the owner to “break” the vault and claim the private key; after which the insecure state of the vaults assets will be displayed permanently in the NFTs metadata. For DOWN Vault tokens to be created, the NFT-wallet had to change ownership to be held by a smart-contract which lacks the ability to call functions on the Emblem Finance contract; therefore making it impossible for the Vault’s private key, and therefore all of its holdings, to be accessed.

Contrarily, the brilliant design of the Emblem Finance NFTs allows anyone, at any time, to freely deposit almost any digital asset or real world assets that have been brought on-chain. Already, bruce the goose has supplied dozens of NFTs, many of which hold significant historical value, as well as various coins and tokens, yield bearing assets, and fee-earning LP shares; all in addition to potentially the most important piece of our “money legos” chimera, 10% of the initial supply of the derived token. This bespoke feature is something we’ve coined ‘quantum compounding’, a term describing the paradoxical “value compounding” effect that the tokens’ inclusion creates. Theoretically, and potentially canonically based on the data-driven nature of Proof of Reserve & Pricefeed oracles, every new addition of value added to the vault creates an infinite feedback loop of cascading increases of 10% of the previous amount.

that friend is brucethegoose.

While it may seem difficult to believe, the features outlined thus far are only the start of the innovation; and the committment-to-community that the $DOWN token offers. The following are early examples, which are already live; with far more utilities, value generation, and HODL’er benefits planned to be added over time.

To ensure that the tokenholders become benefactors in the on-chain activity of its’ associated creator (brucethegoose.eth); their subsequently published NFT minting contracts used to publish art all include royalty splits that are delegated to the $DOWN Vault, the $DOWN DAO, or a combination of the two.

Additionally, whenever they are contracted by projects/brands/etc. for consulting services, promotional campaigns, or other paid services, a portion of their payments will be contributed to the $DOWN token through a combination of direct transfers to the vault, token buybacks, and liquidity provision.

Token hodl’ers gain exclusive discounts in our swag shop, featuring novel items and home decor that fits the crypto theme on a general basis; instead of simply charging $75 for a black hoodie with our logo on it
(though we do have branded merchandise as well, should you choose to rep your bags).

In addition to their own personal art smart-contracts; Bruce has implemented royalty splits that fund the $DOWN Vault/DAO in both of their recently published PFP projects, 30–50 Feral Hogs, and CryptoPepes; and will continue this practice with any future generative products released by them personally, or those that are created to become a part of the growing $DOWN ecosystem.

While they are subject to modification and/or migration as improved infrastructure becomes available or is brought to our attention; there are also plans (with active instances already deployed) for what we’re calling the “$DOWN Degen Departments”, which in short, are individually or community-managed ‘hedge funds’ intended to generate profit for HODL’ers via yield farming, trading strategies, and NFT flipping; with the latter serving the dual-purpose of profitable trades and vaulted asset acquisition.

As (probably) the last currently live example of automagical reserve growth, the recently created $DOWN DeGacha, an NFT gachapon game, splits payments between Bruce (who provided all of the currently available NFT prizes) ((you’re welcome)), the $DOWN Vault, and the $DOWN DAO. In practice, the gachapon functions accordingly:

One spin = One NFT Prize, at a cost of $20 USDC per spin. By spending $20 at the gachapon, the user is guaranteed to recieve a prize in the form of an NFT, and the 20 USDC tokens are sent to:
BruceTheGoose: $5
$DOWN Vault: $5
$DOWN DAO: $10


As the tokens’ ownership and market volume grow, thus proving the validity of the (name tbd) token standard, additional utilities will be deployed, in parallel with the integration of additional revenue streams, interest bearing assets in the vault, and hands-off yield generation.

As an example of hands-off yield, the vault currently holds a minimum of 100 $OUSD, a collateralized stablecoin developed by the Origin Protocol which provides its underlying basket of USDC/USDT/DAI to p2p lending pools and distributes the earned interest to holders as additional OUSD; meaning that the 100 $OUSD held by the vault is constantly, and automatically, compounding the interest it earns.

Bear in mind that everything explained thus far has been accomplished by a team of one, who has very limited ability to read/write code; but an extensive understanding of the Ethereum ecosystem and of existing low-code/no-code tools that have made all of these innovations possible. This is mentioned simply for perspective, and to provide the base context for considering the current limitations, and the extensive possibilities that will emerge as a result of the formation of a team (with skills related to marketing, devops, cybersecurity, etc.) as well as the imminent partnerships, token integrations, and other aspects of building a startup in the Web 3.0 space.





Discovered NFTs at the end of 2019; which caused my entry to crypto. Day one, I went all in. Day two started 72 straight research hours. I’ve never looked back.