Is fluoridation a communist conspiracy?

Darrell Miller
Down in the Dingle
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2020
Photo by Imami on Unsplash (altered by author)

To the Editor:

I read your article about the government’s new law about chemicals in our water and I have to say, I’m outraged. How dare they prevent tooth decay? If I want to walk around with a mouth full of cavities and teeth so loose they fall out when I laugh, that’s my business. I have a job. I make money. I can afford expensive fillings that leach mercury.

True, I might get sick but that’s what insurance is for. To pay for problems that emerge after years of neglect. Besides, dental care is a private concern, like religion. The government has no right trying to keep me healthy.

What is this, the Soviet Union? I don’t need some godless commie putting chemicals in my water or telling me to brush my teeth. I’m an American, dammit. Going without proper health and dental care is my right. Let’s not let bureaucrats take that away from us.


A Patriot



Darrell Miller
Down in the Dingle

Canadian but have lived in Japan for a long time so neither here nor there. Somewhere between.