Tiziano Ferro returns with the new single “Buona (Cattiva) Sorte”

Linda Grei
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2 min readJun 2, 2019

“Buona (Cattiva) Sorte” is the first single from the new album by Tiziano Ferro, “Accetto Miracolìi”, due on November 22nd. The song, first unreleased by Tiziano Ferro from 2016, is available in streaming and download on all digital platforms. «Good (Bad) Fate — says Ferro — already at the first listening it was shown as the opening song of this path. It is a dynamic, breaking song that speaks of love with nuances of cynicism and black humor ».

“It’s just a taste of what a record will be that marks the beginning of a new era for me. A fresh, honest, energetic album, born of the need to deliver me to new experiences ». “In Buona (bad) Sorte” Ferro’s voice and melody merge with the vocal interventions of the American rapper, DJ and record producer Timbaland who made it. «On a musical level I recognize myself — continues Ferro. The Timbaland brand is felt, this was the first track made together and he started off by saying that he didn’t want to rewrite anything of my songs, but simply to cover them. And it was great to let him work on one of my songs and see it become something else. The idea that this is my business card to start my journey with a new record is very exciting, satisfying at the same time my desire to change, but also my need to remain similar to myself ».

download song Tiziano Ferro — Buona (Cattiva) Sorte

