What Does Ethical AI Mean in 2020?

Hint: It’s not just making sure we have unbiased data. Let’s walk through the first, second, and third wave of ethical AI.

Jack Andrew Riewe
6 min readAug 27, 2020

In the iridescent flame that is 2020, you log online and see everything that is fueling the fire. Among those things is the controversy surrounding bias algorithms.

Throughout this year, you have been bombarded with information from all angles about topics of morality and how to make decisions based on the greater good. If you looked closely this topic of “ethical AI” might have popped up on your news feeds.

Unpacking the Term “Ethical AI”

It’s kind of like an angel-and-demon concept. If angels do exist, then surely demons have to exist.

The same goes for AI. If bias algorithms exist as the darkest side of AI, then there must be a shining light that can defeat bias data collection and ML engineering. There must be something to repair power imbalances, restore justice in facial recognition technology, and a guide to get ML outputs that won’t negatively affect someone’s life.

So it would be easy to say, ethical AI is unbiased data collection and engineering.

It’s Not That Simple…



Jack Andrew Riewe

Words about technology, digital culture, creativity, and everything surrounding ✌️ This is my long form. Creative Director / UX Writer / Editor